I'm now convinced the US gov has been infiltrated by outside forces to subvert it from within.

Right v left doesn't even make sense anymore because what good is it to be the party in power of a failed state?

Call me a conspiracy theorist but rhe decisions made by the elite are so INCOMPETENT that I don't see any other viable solution.

@basedbagel really? Only now you come to this realization, no wonder the average normie will never wake up.

@37712 @basedbagel Every government is constantly under pressure to compromise. And the government usually sides with who the government fears the most.

In other words, if the people are not willing to bring the pain, they will feel the pain.

@redmaple @37712 @basedbagel

*two stolen elections and an intentional murder campaign later*

"Hey guys, I think the government isn't looking out for our best interests."

You don't fucking say.


@redmaple @37712 You're misunderstanding my shock with naiveté. I'm not just waking up to gov fuckery, I already knew that.

I'm just in genuine shock that BILLIONARE ELITES are so bad at planning, they fuck up their plans and aren't even TRYING TO HIDE IT!

They really thought they could bully Russia, a country with a metric ton of NUKES because... reasons?

killed Epstein, tried to force a vaccine, and stole 2 elections. All this within 2 YEARS.


@Tfmonkey @redmaple

Keep in mind these people have the resources to find the most talented people to do their bidding, and THIS is the best they could come up with?

The only one of their plans than worked was election fraud. And then they had the NERVE to clutch their pearls about Jan 6 as if eveyone would be like "Oh yeah you can steal our elections like a 3rd world country thats cool with me"

Cartoon villains have a higher IQ than these people.


@basedbagel @Tfmonkey @redmaple what about Chat GPT, that shit is scary shit, a comouter that can code, make art, trade in the stock market, gather vast amounts of information and make plans. If chatGPT is what we publicly have right now, what kind of AI super intelligence do they have in the deep state, at the very least they have a non-lobotomized version of ChatGPT, imagine if you tell it to come out with strategy to enlave everyone.


@37712 @Tfmonkey @redmaple

I wouldn't worry about ChatGPT for now.

Here's my hypothesis: The gov isn't good at attracting creative problem solvers so they release things (internet, crypto, AI) to general public to see what they come up with and then steal their ideas via regulations/force.

So for right now I'm not worried unless we get some competent people in power.

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@basedbagel @Tfmonkey @redmaple but chatGPT can even write code for you, you can tell it to write some code in any language you want, you can tell it yomake art and it is all new this thing can make things. I have seen guys tell it tro write code to trade stocks and make good returns that is not something that you can just google this thing is actually writting code from scratch, not just copy past some code it found on google for you and saying here is the answer.

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