@37712 I have a theory why their pushing eating bugs instead of eating chickens (which turn bugs into eggs and meat). It's that they don't think Africans know how to farm and manage livestock, so just allowing bugs to multiply and eating them is easier.


@ButtWorldsMan @37712 @Tfmonkey

Also FYI I know a guy from Ghana and they eat grasshoppers/crickets and FUCKING TERMITES for a snack like we eat potato chips (not joking) so they already eat bugs LOL.

It wouldn't surprise me if the WEF got the idea from Africans...

LOL the white man stealin a brothas best ideas lol

Source: researchgate.net/publication/3

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@basedbagel @37712 @Tfmonkey @basedbagel @37712 @Tfmonkey they're also importing arabs and the middle east and no one is claiming muslims are too retarded to farm.

Not to mention this part of the conspiracy has to be added on top of all the other conspiracies TFM believes about the cathedral. The conspiracy clusterfuck is becoming unnecessarily complex with more assumptions, which makes it more likely to be bullshit baseless speculation.

Like I said, it's a stretch.

@ButtWorldsMan @37712 @Tfmonkey

The problem is the cathedral isn't one person.

So sometimes they make dumbass decisions that make me second guess myself.

Then other times the people push back and put a stop to it (Ministry of Truth).

So it's pretty hard to predict these people unless there's a leak.

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