
I'm honestly shocked and happy my parents are still alive.

My parents are DOUBLE BOOSTED, exercise daily and and they're still kicking.

I'm shocked

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@basedbagel I have a co-worker who I think has gotten a booster every opportunity there is one to get one. He is not dead yet, and does not appear to be on death's door. Maybe there is a certain gene that makes you more susceptible to the vaxx issues, but we will never know because "the experts" have no desire to look into it.

Maybe people like your parents and my co-worker are those who do not have this gene. But we cannot know for sure.

@houseoftolstoy @basedbagel I think I saw in a source, I can’t remember where but it could be possible that people who succumbed to either death or disability from the vaccines did within a few weeks to a month of getting the vax. So maybe there’s like a window for people who are susceptible to bloods clots or myocarditis, and if you pass the window maybe you have a genetic advantage.

@I_AmTheKnight @houseoftolstoy

It's possible but we'll never know until the people responsible are long dead and then the normies will just move on to the next trending topic.

@basedbagel @houseoftolstoy I think it’s definitely possible because of how genetically diverse the human population is, I mean most people have different kinds of blood types and immune systems and are less susceptible to certain diseases. Although I would say the boosters would probably negate the advantages as you continue to get them, but maybe some people have a stronger defense against foreign agents like spike proteins and mRNA, because the body has a natural defense against rogue rna.

@basedbagel @houseoftolstoy I’m just speculating here but maybe some people are better at absorbing the spike proteins in the body, maybe they inherited a gene that fully prevents the vaccine from completely integrating into their DNA, or maybe they have a stronger immune system.

@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel @houseoftolstoy

It's often missed when talking about excess deaths, but the more vulnerable people have already died from Covid.

That should mean LESS excess deaths, yet it is higher. Here's hoping that whatever dumb luck your folks have benefitted from keeps working.

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