If you look at ChatGPT as a free virtual assistant it's amazing.

My favorite use cases:

1. Specialize job cover letters/client proposals

2. Creating basic programming scripts to do repetitive tasks

3 Talking to difficult people- I use CHATGPT to text normies in the right "tone" (You know normies and their fee fees)

@basedbagel dud that is awesome, can you give me an example of an example of one of what one of your scripts does?


I created a script to automatically back up my files to an external hard drive.

I knew how to do it but CHATGPT did it faster and it actually got it right on the 1st try!

@basedbagel nice, was the script in bash or what language, like how did it work?


It was just a simple 3 line powershell script. to backup my videos to my external drive.

The geek in my though it was pretty cool that CHATGPt even commented on each line of code so I knew what it was doing.

It's really cool shit I recommend trying it out

@basedbagel @37712

I wrote a powershell backup script that's probably 30 lines, and a bash one that's gotta be at least 100. You're going to have to roll your own if you have custom needs, but I like the other use cases.

I can see myself making use of an AI assistant that handles boilerplate replies to normies and general admin.

@basedbagel @37712

I think that's the killer use case - having a digital Igor hanging around to mop up all the background admin that burns time.

That would be so useful. Only thing is, I would never trust something like that unless there was an open source version that I could run self-hosted.

@UncleIroh @37712 I have privacy concerns as well so I don't ask it anything I wouldn't mind being made public.

But so far for me CHATGPT is like having a perpetual unpaid intern. It's fantastic!

@basedbagel @UncleIroh I told chatGPshiT to write me a script today it completly failed me, created the most convoluded script for 1 simole tax that i was able to resolve with 1 line of code

@37712 @basedbagel

Yeah I thought that might be the case beyond very simple stuff. If you need something that requires design and functions I think you're shit out of luck.

The best you could do is design it yourself and have chatGPT write specific functions that you then put together. At that point it's probably not worth it.


@UncleIroh @37712

I agree I still think it's cool because my simple 3-line script worked perfect out of the box but I'm sure it's because I was doing something that it had alot of data for.

I'm super excited about what it will be able to do in the future though.

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