How I would handle having a daughter:

1. Move to the most remote rural/non-cucked area possible.

2. Have me and my community watch her ass like a HAWk until 16

3. Have a man pay a dowry for a religious virgin wife.


Somebody asked me this on normie socials like it was some hard question.

Normies love to over complicate things🤷‍♂️

@basedbagel @37712

Laughing my ass off at how simple you guys think this shit is.

Muslims in all Western countries have been eating crow for at least the last decade as they realize that their conservative cultural communities are NO MATCH for smartphones, amoral non-muslim kids, all media and social media, the entire education system from kindergarten to higher education, slutty clothes and easy divorce. And no match for family courts either.

It truly takes a village to raise a whore.

@UncleIroh @37712

I don't think raising a girl is simple, I just think the west over-complicates things.

Smartphones- Not till 18 and if so during designated times with parental controls on router

Non-muslim kids- that's why I'm in a remote village. Retard kids won't go because its more work than fun to live there.

Edication system- Homeschool

Smartphones - I will personally haram-proof her phone myself

Slutty clothes- Haram!

Divorce/Family court- I will NEVER aise a kid in WEST.

@basedbagel @UncleIroh

I agree with @UncleIroh on this one, you cant keep technology away from ppl these days and if you do then you kind of do a disservice to them.

@37712 @basedbagel

You really can't keep technology from them. Especially if you're using it yourself.

That's why the only way to do this in Western Globohomo countries is to go full Amish/Orthodox Jew. You and EVERYONE around you has to be on the same page, and make sure there are practically no points of contact with the surrounding culture.

@UncleIroh @37712 They'll still have access, it'll just be like China, a little bit censored but you can do most of what you need to do.

Women can't self-actualize so I really don't see any benefit from them having access to such powerful tech anyway.

@basedbagel @37712

Yeah, no.

No-one WANTS to live in Chyna. They have no choice, it's all fear and control. That's a shitty way to live and a shitty way to lead.

@basedbagel @37712

Parenting is difficult. There is no such thing as ruling by absolute decree.

Fear and control are the surest ways to poisoning your relationship through resentment, especially as they get older. And that lands different for boys and girls.

The same is incidentally true of absolute monarchs, despots and tyrants throughout history. It's not as simple as "Off with his head", more like trying to fuck with the Praetorian Guard and getting your throat slit.


@UncleIroh @37712 In my house there is an absolute decree because I'm responsible for them.

I've seen videos of these goofy parents trying to negotiate with CHILDREN lol could never be me.

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