I wouldn't mind women (after they make babies) in the workforce if they hadn't upended meritocracy in the process.

We always had nepotism/favoritism to a degree but this quota bullshit has to go.

I get that minorites were oppressed and all but white women benefit the most from affirmative action anyway.

Bring meritocracy back!


I'm not a fan of women in the workforce. Let them assist their husbands and male relatives after child-rearing, or start their own businesses, but leave the workforce to men.

Women's entry into the workforce has been nothing but disastrous on multiple fronts. It's helped destroy the nuclear family, increased divorce rates, doubled the tax base, deflated wages, created dysfunctional children and helped kill communities.

@UncleIroh I see where you're coming from but the my issue wasn't women in the workforce as much as it was upending meritocracy.

I see no issue with high bell curve hoes working as long as all $$ goes back to the husband and they've already had kids

I DO have a problem with all these dumbass quotas for women upend meritocracy. One of the hallmark achievements of western civilization gone down the tube so we can let women/minorities feel better. SMDH

@basedbagel @UncleIroh one problem is that women will never be held accountable the way men are. Of course things are unequal with men too, but allowing women to “compete” in men’s domains just disrupts men doing important things like build and develop technology, skills, organization, or solve problems.
Women distract gravity from anywhere else to be about them. Not even on purpose, just by nature.

@southpole21 @UncleIroh Did you forget my 1st name?

I get hat women are distracting but they have their use.

in the age of remote work you can have a women who EARNED it (not some bullshit ass quota) help you out.

All $$ would go to you as women wouldn't be allowed to have bank accounts, own assets, or vote.

All high bell curve women can go to school as long as they agree to be nuns (take an oath of piety and not have kids)

Problem solved

@basedbagel @southpole21 @UncleIroh this isn’t based off of any data, I’m just speculating that if the quota system was removed at least 60% of women in the workforce would be out of a job, maybe some would be kept for entry level/secretarial positions. Yeah I agree if a woman wants to compete on an equal playing field I don’t see why not, but my speculation is that most would just shrug their shoulders and go back to the kitchen once they realize men aren’t going to take it easy on them.

@I_AmTheKnight @southpole21 @UncleIroh I agree.

I see women working the same way I see people in college.

Most people aren't cut out for it. Both should be for a select few after going through rigorous testing.

As long as the woman has some kids I don't see why she can't work from home for her husband.

The reason why I'd prefer no women working is because they don't think logically and if they see some of them working they'll think they can too.

But their rights have to go 1st.

@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @southpole21

My reasons for getting women out of the workforce have nothing to do with meritocracy, since that comes for free as soon you make the workforce male again. Merit is how we men naturally self-organize.

Nor am I against women working as a 2nd priority after motherhood, or for their families/male relatives if they are too old for motherhood.

I don't even mind changing laws to protect against them being finanically vulnerable.

@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @southpole21

I just don't want them taking jobs away from men who head their households, from them abdicating their responsibilities as mothers by paying someone else to raise their own children, and by fouling up the workplace with their fucking drama, sexual affairs and shit-stirring.

@UncleIroh @I_AmTheKnight @southpole21

I have no problem with financially vulnerable women.

Knowing that they'll be broke if they don't comply is key in the dependence that keeps them in check.

Everything else I agree with.

But it's not just women, they use minorities to upend meritocracy completely.

Here's my solution:
Blind online hiring- no names just an:

Location if not remote

Then the problem is solved.

No name/race/gender discrimination is possible

@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @southpole21

Say what you mean, minorities == blacks. But in real life it simply means black women, since employers get the double points.

Case in point, Goldman Sachs started an initiative that will see them spending $10B over 10 years to get black women quota'd into high-paying jobs. Not black men.

The same with Melinda Gates & Mackenzie Bezos, billionaire divorcees committed to ending meritocracy by dumping billions into feminist causes at the expense of men.


@UncleIroh @I_AmTheKnight @southpole21

I see your point but I meant what I said.

At my UNI we had free gibs for EVERYONE you can think of:

Disabled/Retarded people
Native Americans

Women were just the gateway drug to the nonsense but the rabbit hole goes much deeper.

The Bezos situation is tragic but I don't care about what she does with her own $$ just don't use my money for nonsense.

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@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @southpole21

Where do you think the money for the free gibs came from? Billionaire divorcee feminists among others.

Shake down a "grassroots activist orgnaization" and a billionaire or 2 will drop out from the high leaves. this has been going on even before the 1870's when the Vanderbilts funded 1st wave feminism and Social Justice organizations.

@UncleIroh @I_AmTheKnight @southpole21

That's true but all the billionaire $$ in the world wouldn't mean much in a society with a strong will/moral fabric.

Kazakhstan, Goat farmers in the Taliban and rice eaters in Vietnam proved this.

You can't control how shady billionaires spend their money, but you can punish their immoral deeds without impunity.

@UncleIroh @I_AmTheKnight @southpole21

That's true but give it time.

After seeing Rwanda go from a war torn shithole to the Singapore of Africa, I'm convinced anything can happen.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @southpole21 Buy Low Sell High. But for real though you gotta be careful for this because natives anywhere will target outsiders who are not modest; especially when the hard times come.

@FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh @basedbagel @southpole21 we don’t necessarily need to ban women out of the workforce, we just simply get rid of the quota system and tell them if they want jobs they have to compete with men on an equal playing field. By doing this most women by default will leave the workforce and will in turn increase the fertility rate, we can do same thing for minorities too everyone gets to run the same race, I’m a strong advocate for meritocracy.

@I_AmTheKnight @FinalDresdonation @basedbagel @southpole21

It won't work.

Let's travel through your universe together and see what happens.

> we just simply get rid of the quota system and tell them if they want jobs they have to compete with men on an equal playing field.

Where's the precedent for this? The overwhelming majority of men will physically FIGHT you to not make women accountable in the way you want. And Feminist money will shut it down.

Now you are faced with guns, what next?

@UncleIroh @I_AmTheKnight @FinalDresdonation @southpole21

I may not like it but it's true.

We're overdue for a culling.

The only way to "fix" this system is bloodshed.

Hopefully I can dip before things get too crazy

@I_AmTheKnight @FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh @southpole21

That's true in theory but in practice it doesn't go that well when you're dealing with giant children.

They don't do well with rational thinking which is why liberalism is so appealing to them.

They also lack big picture/long term thinking so if you tell her she needs to have kids so we don't go extinct she'll just cry and call you names like a child.

This is why they don't need rights and the ones that do get to be nuns.

@basedbagel @FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh @southpole21 I’m making the assumption that we put forth getting rid of the quotas and moving towards a more fair competitive field in a more free/ capitalist society where we don’t have universal suffrage and democracy.

@I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel @FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh I agree that removing special treatment for protected groups is best but I don’t see that happening until things get a lot worse, which is happening fast.

If there’s someone to cry to, people will cry to get the mob/government to do their bidding. Maybe when $ credit is not available to most people then diversity credit will not be available either.

Until then people will double down on the ideology and its enforcement like crackheads

@southpole21 @basedbagel @FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh yeah unfortunately the government is like an enabling parent and the people are spoiled children.

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