@basedbagel @37712


You know when Jews stopped hunting former Nazi's? That would be never - npr.org/2021/10/07/1043971890/

If the will is there then there will be no statute of limitations for crimes like these.


How did I know it would go back to the jews lol jk

I'm cautiously optimistic but until I see people going behind bars
Creators getting there platforms back
A MASS CULLING of all parties responsible

I'm going to keep working my plan to GTFO the west.

And meet a basic Asian bitch and live happily ever after.

@basedbagel @37712

Weird huh? Almost like the constant examples of large-scale fuckery and unequal justice just coincidentally tend to have certain people in common.

So weird.

@UncleIroh @37712 I'm not doing this again.

I'm tired of defending people I don't care about.

Elon Musk could send all Jews to Mars and earth would still have the same problems.

Jews are like the white man for black people. A red herring that doesn't address the real issue.

@basedbagel @37712

I know, let's call whoever notices the same pattern happening over and over a Jootard.

"Yay, we did it Patrick! We saved the city!"

You do you.


@UncleIroh @37712 I never called you a jootard.

I block all jootards for my sanity.

Jootard to me = someone making shit up just to blame Jews.

Ex. Some jootard told me TFM was doxxed and they found out he was Jewish and that's why he doesn't criticize them... None of which was true.


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