I may have come to a realization I'd like to share.

I have been trying to come up with a solution to people who struggle with self discipline. They ask me "how" they can stop caring what others think, or "how" they can stop being lazy, and I think I understand the problem.

You need to develop the ability to envision the goal to stay motivated, which requires abstract thinking and the ability to have an internal model of the world.

This requires an IQ above 100.

Is weakness a product of IQ?

@Tfmonkey Funny you mention this as I was about to ask how you get all this shit done.

I don't think discipline/weakness is a product of IQ.

Discipline = clarity + self-control + urgency.

None of these necessitate a high IQ.

Take me for example: It took my gov trying to kill me for me to get the urgency to start my business.

@basedbagel The issue is that I get a lot of messages from people who want me to show them "how" to develop self control, and I suspect it's because they lack the abstract thinking and non-emotional thinking to have a vision and an internal.

Most likely because they're stupid.

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel I think developing self control is more about establishing your Values and setting your personal boundaries, as to what type of behaviors that most align with your Values. I don't think it is a matter of being stupid, but rather not having a "why". Not having Values they can refer to when making decisions.


@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey

I agree but I wouldn't rule out stupid as we don't know enough about them to say for certain. For all we know they could be vaxxed jootards.

On the bright side at least they're seeking guidance which means they have the self-awareness/mental strength to acknowledge they have a problem.

Which is a good start.

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