Women today are so awful, redpilling is now happening on a mass scale.
On the rise is what I call "The Redpilled Cuck". Guys like the one in the meme below actually exist, unironically.
They know women are degenerate scumbags but will take the deal with their eyes wide open anyway.
Not my circus, not my monkeys. Still weird though. smh.
@UncleIroh dud, you can tell that this is just a joke, a meme, a guy trolling online at best.
i see your point but I wouldn't say they want slavery they're just responding to their instincts.
In my experience unless you've been divorced or old enough to where your libido is lower it's hard to adjust.
Also remember most men have had this rhetoric beaten into them since childhood by single mothers and school.
It's unrealistic to think a few youtube videos could counter all that brainwashing.