

I went to walmart to buy some cough syrup as one does when you're sick.

I got an alert that said "ID verification needed"

I told the associate that this must be a mistake as all I was buying was cough syrup.

She said" You'd be surprised" and overrided the ID for me.

So I did some digging and found out braindead suicidal zoomer junkies are using COUGH SYRUP to get high to the point where stores require an ID for it.

It's called "robo-tripping".


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@basedbagel - I've done that. I enjoy weed, but in the military, drugs send you to Leavenworth. So our options were limited... It's fun, with no lasting ill effects.

Make sure the active ingredient is only dextromorthophan though. Drink the whole bottle (a carbonated chaser helps). You'll feel lousy in the gut for an hour or so, and then you'll feel grrr-eat. Don't make any plans for 3 days. 😉😏

@YoMomz @basedbagel Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip
Sipping on some sizzurp, sip, sipping on some, sip

NO NO NO WTF @YoMomz ? I expected better from you.

Sick people need cough syrup so we can breathe properly.

Cough syrup is NOT a way for you to get high on the cheap.

And don't give instructions for this nonsense!

I have to show my ID to buy some damn cough syrup now because you guys couldn't be bothered to just buy real drugs. SMDH

@basedbagel - Eh... 💁🏻‍♂️ Sorry, bruh. 😅

I'm old, and I've lived. Having experience is what gives a man perspective - it's fundamental.

Young people generally enjoy altered states of consciousness, and they do stupid shit. If it's any consolation, I researched the long term effects of DXM prior to trying it - I've always valued my mind. 😇

And I never would've, if Uncle Sam & puritans were a little more chill... But just think of your inconvenience as voterID, but for cough syrup. 😉🍻

@basedbagel - And by the bye... I always thought "robo-tripping" was an excellent pun.

It combines the name Robitussin, with the fact that it creates a lag between sensory input, and mental processing. We used to refer to it as "lapsing" (absolutely never drive on it). This creates the effect of being robotic.

So yeah, great pun - and I always appreciate those. I tell ya, degenerates used to have class... they used to put more effort into their shenanigans. Lol!😄

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