
If you're still with a woman after she calls the cops on you you're a DUMBASS and you deserve what you get.

Thanks to this goofy ass Duluth model if the cops are called you're going to jail even if it's YOUR house.

Bitches know this and can use this tactic to rob/manipulate you.

Also even if the bitch changes her mind the state can pick up the case and then you're in real trouble.

TLDR: Don't cohabitate with a woman or tolerate her calling the police on you.

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@basedbagel At this point I think just having a girlfriend makes you a “normie”. Like even if you hate the government and are unvaccinated you’re still a normie.

@Mr_Mister LOL damn your words not mine.

I'm not trying to preach doom and gloom as I'm still in the field but I just want guys to be aware of what's happening

@basedbagel it’s just that there’s always some new bullshit going on that makes things so shitty. It’s probably not a big deal when the women are < 30, but still.

@Mr_Mister I agree but there is a white pill in this.

1. Normies are dying in droves, thinning the of our opposition.

2. We still have time to stack our shekels and flee to another country.

3. Theory: Russia beating Ukraine's ass is slowing the next pandemic from coming.

We still have ways to go but all is not lost.

@basedbagel the problem is picking which country to go to.


So true. Nowhere is perfect and I've changed about 3 times but I have my tip 3 I'm going with for now.

@basedbagel I agree had to jump out a window once from the first ex wife after she came at me with a shotgun,and I gave her the one,two and slammed here against the wall then she called the Poe Po.But I ducked out to my homies spot over state lines a couple days.

@Scubbie You're story is so bizzare that I'm going to assume you're not trolling and you're telling the truth.

That. is. CRAZY. I've had a bitch wave a knife at me but a FUCKING SHOTGUN WTF?!

I'm glad you got away but I hope you learned your lesson about crazy pussy. It's good in the moment but it's never worth it in the end.

@basedbagel I not only got away,from the first ex wife but eventually got full custody of my son and sent that bitch packing 2500 miles away with a mini van I had 5k invested in $500 cash and anything she could fit in it,the trick is to make them hate you enough to want to flee and push them towards the bigger better deal in there mind.

Im glad youre free @Scubbie and kudos and getting full custody of your son!

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