
My dad yelled at me saying the capitol insurrectionists should be hung for what they did...🙄

I hate when people make me defend people I don't care about.

The capitol "rioters" are useful idiots who fell for a psyop.

That doesn't make it okay to shoot unarmed protestors and imprison them without due process.

Noone should lose their rights for being dumb.

After all we let women vote and they're not in jailed when they do stupid shit.

It's so exhausting talking to normies I swear😡

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@basedbagel Just do what I do and stop talking to your dad. I got a second job.

@Mr_Mister I try to but I feel bad because he's a lonely double boosted boomer and I know he doesn't have much time left.

But his politics are fucked because hes glued to normie news all day.

@basedbagel - Oh, I remember that. I was there on that day. I showed up too late for the fun... a blessing in disguise as it turns out. But even as I was driving there (I figured air travel was too vulnerable to govt interference), my biggest concern was that nothing would come of it - that it would be a giant snooze fest.

Something to bear in mind about past events though... We have the advantage today, of knowing how things turned out. Hindsight is 20/20, as they say. 🍻

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