
How to protect yourself if you still deal with women:

1. Have cameras

I know it's weird to film amateur porn every time you fuck but this is the hand we're dealt.

2. Audio recording: If you're not in your house record the audio of her in the act\giving consent.

This is what saved Chris Brown.

3. Consent\release forms

I've seen them thrown out in court before so make sure you combine them with #1 or #2

4. Don't fuck crazy bitches

I know it's fun but i never ends well

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@basedbagel You are playing with snakes...
All she has to say is: "I signed this under duress."
ANYTHING before that is null and void and now you are a suspected rapost.

Very Bad advice.

@sardonicsmile I see where you're coming from but you have to be realistic.

Most guys aren't going to stop dealing with women as biology is undefeated unless you're older or just fed up\divorced.

Nothing is 100% but it's a great deterrent if she knows you have evidence.

Remember bitches do this shit because they know 99% of the time they get away with it.

If there's a chance you can sue them or they'll go to jail for purgery, they most likely won't bother.

@basedbagel - Wanna hear something funny? You don't even have to *fuck* crazy bitches for them to try to ruin your life...

It is enough, to simply express some form of desire for a broad who seems to reciprocate in the moment, and who also turns out to be a crazy bitch. And if you're emotionally invested, God help you. 😂😂😥

Thats true sadly @YoMomz

I was referring to a specific set of guys who fuck crazy bitches witch more red flags than a chinese parade because they're fun\easy to sleep with

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