

@Stahesh @ButtWorldsMan

Hot take: if you don't get fat or abuse drugs you won't have trouble dating in your 30s as a bitch.

I GUARANTEE youshes overweight and abuses some substance or another wondering why she's alone.

@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh not much of a hot take. One of the easiest ways for women to be attractive longer is to literally not be fat.


@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh

I agree but given the obesity and drug abuse statistics this is quite the hot take to western women.

God did all the work for women and all they have to do is not screw it up.

And guess what they do?

@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh they trust the snake, eat the fruit, and get fat. Meanwhile adam stares at her and says, "you dumb stupid fucking cunt."

@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh @ButtWorldsMan
true, a woman in her 30's can still be quite attractive, but she will not be her 20 y.o. self. for example, if she could date 9/10 guys at 21, she may only be ablt to date guys who are 8/10 in her 30's. this is a step down for her, a reduction of her powers and options. that reality will make her worried and angry.

I haven't seen that at all.

I have family members in their 50s that still have guys chasing them and sending them $$.

As long as you're not morbidly obese/on drugs I've found the wall is largely over exaggerated.
@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh @ButtWorldsMan

@basedbagel @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh @ButtWorldsMan

I agree that women will always have more potential mates than men, but as women age they become more and more invisible to the top men and become more in reach of previously unthinkable men, not the lowest men.

This feels like an L to them and is generally the only time they start to learn a bit of humility. But yes, a woman will always have options. Only some men do.

@southpole21 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh @ButtWorldsMan
Agree to disagree

I haven't seen any woman under 50 struggle to find or lock down a man.

And let's be real, most women I know have no desire to be married.

The ones that did are already married and found a man quite easily. They're just not online.

The problem is the internet amplifies the extremes so you hear alot of obese junkie bitches online but in real life most women are doing just fine.

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