We've all noticed MGTOW going mainstream. It seems women are just beginning to realize that they fucked up somewhere somehow.

But really, how blue-pilled are the normies in our circles? Really?

Among friends, family and co-workers, which applies the most:


One of my family members caught me on the TRP subreddit but they chalked it up to a bad break up.

95% of society is blue pill and they DO NOT want to hear anything otherwise


That's also my experience.

The two options that most apply to me are "most or all don't know what it is or why it exists" and
"most who know my views think I'm crazy".

It still surprises me how blue-pilled the world is.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel

They already thought I was crazy

Some black person told me he should never fight a woman even if she attacks him and also said he thinks women's vote should be taken away

He does not know basic math and can not understand the economics of it and is a hardcore Democrat because he likes welfare money

But he just does not like that, "Men can not be men"

No one else I know offline directly told me they support taking women's voting rights away & he is not consistent

@shortstories @basedbagel

Dude, even I think you're crazy 🤣

But to your point, your example just demonstrates how rare "joined up thinking" is.

For what it's worth there's a ton of men who should never vote too.

@UncleIroh @shortstories

" there's a ton of men who should never vote too."

Thank you!

Let's start with

1. Men who support women's rights

2. Guys who like goth > basic bitches

3 Gay guys

4. Satanic men

5. Anyone with citizenship from a country that has over 2 mililon in aid.

Let me know if I missed anything

@basedbagel @UncleIroh @shortstories The longer this democracy nightmare goes on, the more anti-democratic I get. I agree with you in practice, but since we're dreaming here, I'll give you my take.

No elections. Anything resembling an election is illegal, the crime is effeminate behavior.

All elections are replaced with tournaments. Wrestling, kickboxing, MMA, put it into your constitution or charter. The winner can take office or appoint someone of his choice.

@Mongoliaboo @basedbagel @shortstories

Hehe, that sounds fun but unworkable without an absolute monarchy since someone needs to be in charge of the hierarchy.

And that would turn into Game of Thrones where you can appoint a champion to fight for you.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel @shortstories GoT situation is an understatement. You can buy out multiple fighters.

But is it not an improvement that those who would rule have to recognize that their power is won by violence, and that the central institution of the state promotes strength? What election-based politics do is promote effeminate and treacherous behavior.

@Mongoliaboo @basedbagel @shortstories

Effeminate and treacherous behavior is a function of increased technology and prosperity since it allows all violence to be abstracted away from reality.

Yes, there's great merit in the model of "skin in the game", especially for leaders. Violence is the ground truth, and we've gone way too far in allowing leaders to be untouched by it.

Take it too far though and you just end up incentivizing your leaders to be MMA fighters.

@Mongoliaboo @UncleIroh @shortstories

While this is true you don't need to be a warrior necessarily to be a good leader.

You just need to be a free thinker and intellectually honest.

It doesn't take Hercules/Einstein TWRA, end welfare, limit the vote and get the gays out of here.

@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo @UncleIroh

To prevent homosexuals from voting,

you have to prevent Jews from voting

Jews teach

Therefore, just as one who engages in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old, as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse, so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively, the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable.

@shortstories @Mongoliaboo @UncleIroh

Homosexuality is not just taught, it's a life choice and a preferred lifestyle of satanic people and their damaged victims.

Jews aren't the only ones who can't leave these kids alone but this is a HARD line in the sand for me.

Anyone talking to kids about anything sexual gets eviscerated expeditiously jew or no jew.

@basedbagel @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

Goodbye elites.

Related to this, we're long overdue an honest conversation about child sacrifice, mostly it's pre-Christian prevalence, but also the current neo-pagan revival going on.

Pedophilia, child sacrifice and abortion are all linked and it's not just Jews.

Example, the hashtag on TikTok has 49 billion views. That's billion. Videos teaching girls/women how to do "abortion magic" where they ritualize it for material gain.


@UncleIroh @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

You're right but its a heavy subject matter even for me.

I'd love to adress the trampant witchraft but again in a Godless country such as this they're not satanic, you're just not tolerant enough and still believe in fairy tales

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@basedbagel @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

We're not collectively ready to acknowlege it or have the conversation at all.

For one, a true redpilling would destroy too many women. They wouldn't be able to handle the accountability for what they've done.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

They sure coudn't!

But let a man murder a baby for the crime of being inconvenient and they'll paint the prison walls with our internal organs

@basedbagel @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

The larger point is that if you use secularism and paganism to justify murdering babies, then you have no moral basis to refute "love is love" pedohilia, and you are incentivized to turn such acts into a pagan spiritual rite in order to justify it.

This is where we are.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

To me its all the same.

Impact > intent.

Idc if you killed the baby to keep your beach boy or sacrfice it to Molec.

You're a murderer and if there were any justice in this world they'd be treated like I was when I refused the vax.

I.e. Lose your job, Social ostracization

@basedbagel @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

> Impact > intent.

So Consequentialism then, an outcomes-based morality.

For me, that's a non-starter. Chrisitian deontological ethics is better.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

"Chrisitian deontological ethics"

NGL had to google that but I agree with you.

But in this specific case if I find proof a baby is dead by someone's hands they better have a DAMN good explanation or

@UncleIroh @shortstories @Mongoliaboo

"you have no moral basis to refute "love is love" pedohilia"

This is why I can't get behing subjective morality.

But for some reason only religious people see my view on this. I wonder why that is?

I don't have any peer-reviewed studies to debunk pedophilia but i do have a hockey masks and a special set of skills.

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