If I manipulated my boss,and shared racist memes with him.into firing a Up- ity nigger by ratting him out for fucking off and not helping him succeed because he was mad niggerish considered systematic racism? Or just me forming a good working relationship with my boss

@Scubbie You will get fired the moment you share the first racist meme with your boss. It's a you-or-me situation. If he doesn't fire you, then the company can be sued by anyone who discovers this racist meme sharing.

@Mongoliaboo nah I’m in construction and the Nigger got a layoff my boss is a old biker

@Mongoliaboo you can’t fire niggers or women,in construction you have to lay them off,I have witnessed this several times and personally two apprentices both missed same amount of time white boy fired at end of job nigger layoff,me and Puerto Rican girl at end of job she missed all kinda of time layoff I got fired simply because the company didn’t wanna pay benefits and I was white,I wrote a well worded letter and filed a grievance got changed to layoff

@Scubbie @Mongoliaboo

Stupid question but I thought a layoff and firing was the same thing?

Also how can women be of any use in construction.

Are they operating machinery?

@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo a layoff allows you to get unemployment a fireing is contested


@Scubbie @Mongoliaboo

Ah! I didn't know that, makes alot more sense now.

Glad you got your changed though. Always fight back!

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