The ultimate problem is that people feel more than think. They do what feels good rather than what is right, and those who can resist and overcome this impulse are too few in number to ever become the basis of a society.

So we are doomed to base society off of the needs of the stupid, lazy, weak, and resentful, because there are far too many of them and not enough of us.

This is why wise men fucked off to live in the mountains by the way.

@NEETzsche @Tfmonkey

At what point is it self defense vs murder

To eliminate the people who are dragging society down if they refuse to change their ways given enough information

Does the method of eliminating them determine if it is ethical or unethical and legal or illegal?


@shortstories @NEETzsche @Tfmonkey

If freedom-lovers had the same media/military apparatus as the elites did we could make a proper class system and it would be all good.

Alas we suffer with excessive taxation without represenation.

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@basedbagel @shortstories @NEETzsche freedom lovers don't want to maintain a powerful government/military because . . .wait for it . . . it is a threat to their freedom.

That's the paradox. The strong men only have power long enough to clean up the mess of the weak men, then they leave as the weak men take over and fuck everything up again.

@Tfmonkey @shortstories @NEETzsche

Good point, but a man can dream.

I'd be willing to take one for the team and shoulder the burden of being the world's 1st freedom-loving authoritarian watchdog.

Imagine how glorious it would be.

I'd fire 80% of gov employees because they're useless and use the CIA to stomp out commie revolts and welfare apologists worldwide.

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