I like Ryan Dawson but his stance on the confederacy makes no sense.

You can't rep a treasonous flag and call yourself a patriot SMH

@basedbagel Treasonous against who? Was it against a tyrannical federalist government body that wanted to put itself above the united states and centralize its power over them?

Razorfist would like a word with you.


@ButtWorldsMan You're missing my point.

My point is that people who support the confederacy consider themserlves patriots which makes no sense to me.

BOTH the north and the south wanted power/resources.

I have no romance with the north but trying to make it seem like the confederacy were some peace-loving planters protecting states rights is asinine.

Both sides were amoral and power hungry.


Also both sides have their own bullshit propaganda.

North: We fought a righteous war to free the slaves and preserve the union.

Reality: They wanted power/resources from the south

South: We fought a righteous war to preserve states rights and our way of life.

Reality: They wanted power/resources and to continue raking in massive profits from slavery with less taxes.

Both sides are full of shit but depending on where people are from they beleive the other sides lies.

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan your comment”
Reality: They wanted power/resources and to continue raking in massive profits from slavery with less taxes.” do you think a plantation owner would have paid the Nigger tax, if they had access to equipment that would do this work? If it was legal to own slaves why wouldn’t you invest in your property they kept books on Niggers to breed more productive ones.Gave them Christianity,music and educated some improving their investment


@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan

"If it was legal to own slaves why wouldn’t you invest in your property "

I'm not saying yo should or you shouldn't, I'm just saying call a spade a spade there are power-hungry amoral people.

"they kept books on Niggers to breed more productive ones.Gave them Christianity,music and educated some improving their investment"

This is just the south's moral justification for making boatloads of profit on slavery

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