
There's alot of shit I dealt with as a kid that I realized wasn't normal.

Problem is I can't tell what was actually abusive and what is new age bitchmade parenting tactics made up by sociologists to justify their jobs.

So since I'm doing fine I'm just going to move forward.

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@basedbagel - "Normal" is an illusion. If you're doing alright in life, then I really wouldn't recommend worrying about it.

Some crazy people I know, are made even crazier by their fruitless pursuit of normal. It's nuts. If they could only let go, then they could at least be fun, wacky, zany crazy. But instead, they drive themselves into manipulative, malicious, hypocritical crazy. It's so sad... and all for a mirage. 😔🫗

@YoMomz @basedbagel nor·​mal : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine. a normal childhood. Being normal is also perspective from the majority of the community you live in,For Abbos it’s normal to split your cock and rape your children,For Jews it’s normal to abduct children into rape tunnels,In Nazi Germany it was normal to send your children into the Hitler Youth,I assume your parents were progressive

@Scubbie @YoMomz My parents were more classical liberal but unlike modern parents they actually had balls.

My dad REFUSED for any of us to take any add-medication and cursed out the teacher that recommended it lol.

But I agree with you guys I have no desire to be normal anymore. I just want to be free and healthy these days.

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