Piping hot take: Domestic violence is a YOU problem.

Most domestic violence cases are reciprocal.

If you don't leave the very 1st time you get hit, all beatings after are your problem.

It's not that hard to find a partner that won't hit you if you just pay attention.

@basedbagel - Yeah, this is very true. I've intervened in several cases, and the females are just as complicit. I wasn't white-knighting... These women were people I share DNA with.

With each new experience, I have found it more useful and expedient as a peacemaker/abuse-relationship-breaker, to simply impose your will upon both parties.

This means you have be strong, possess sound judgement, and be willing and able to inflict painful violence.



> I have found it more useful and expedient as a peacemaker/abuse-relationship-breaker, to simply impose your will upon both parties

You're a better man than me.

These days I just call the police from a safe distance while recording the incident.

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