Hot take: I don't mind reparations but I just don't see how it can logically be implemented.

1. Are there good records of who has slave ancestry and who doesn't?

2. What about other races who were slaves? Do they get a check too or is it blacks only?

3. For blacks that descend from free men/slave owners, should they now pay into the reparations pool of $ to be redistributed?

4. How much $ do they get?

IMO the best time for reparations was right after the civil war, Now it's too complex

If Bishop Bagel was going in charge of the US reparations department I wouldn't give cash.

I would give them some time of tuition voucher they can use to learn a skill or a trade.

That would be the best way IMO because most people aren't good with managing lumpsums of 💰


The tuition reparations for black people are already happening and they are not working because they prefer fields that do not use math and do not involve hands on labor

Black people are given preference in Universities and the government gives out free grants to attend colleges

Giving black people tuition while allowing them to pass high school without being required to multiply single digit numbers in their head without a calculator has only made them more poor


You're conflating benefits given to the poor with benefits for blacks.

Grants and UNI preferences are available for most minority groups but they did a study and found white women benefitted from it the most and asian men were hurt the most.

What I propose is a tuition credit for EVERY descendant of a slave regardless of skin color.

Also you can thank no child left behind under bush for letting kids pass high school while being unable to read.


1 Only descendants of slave masters should pay reparations

2 There is a problem that slave masters had biological children with their slaves in that someone should get reparations from their slave master ancestors but are entitled to reparations because of their slave ancestors

3 Descendants of union people whose ancestors fought to oppose slavery in the civil war war would not owe reparations to slaves but would owe it to the south for Sherman's total war


College tuition is a bad form of reparations unless you remove certain majors

You would essentially being paying money to make people more Democrat Party biased

Remove Social Science Options

Remove Psychology, Sociology, Gender Studies, Ethnic Group Studies like Africology

Remove Statistics

Remove Environmental Science

Remove Religious Studies

Remove Literature

Keep Linguistics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Health Sciences - Like nursing, Math, Computer Science


>You would essentially being paying money to make people more Democrat Party biased

Damn that's a good point...

How about a tuition credit to any 2-year college or trade school of choice?

That way you have real skills - the brainwashing plus you would save alot more $$ this way.


You can get majors in Democratic Party bias stuff in a 2 year college

It is just an associate degree in the same major that you can get a bachelor's masters or PhD for


My dude 80% of black men and 93% of black women vote for the democratic party.

It's so over.

You might as well just let them pick AFAIC if they pick wrong that's their problem.

Our moral duty is just to pay back the wages stolen from their ancestor.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

@basedbagel @shortstories

Reparations-with-Remigration is the fairest deal for all parties.

Slavery was dumb. Segregation was dumb. Diversity is even dumber.

@amerika @basedbagel

I support giving all black people gold and silver and weapons and dropping them off in the temple in Israel with one way transportation

And telling them they are allowed to take the houses and land from any Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jew they want but not from the Palestinians

@shortstories @amerika

This is the problem with your mindset is that you think like the very people you oppose.

If you just send a bunch of blacks to dispose the jews you're no better than them and all you're going to end up with is more conflict.

With my solution we can make 1 simple payout and keep in moving.

> With my solution we can make 1 simple payout and keep in moving.

No one wants to make any more deals with your kind. Too many people are realizing what you've done. There will be no payouts; you've drained the US economic corpse dry. This ends poorly for everyone.

Once the system buckles and crashes, and it will, a very high price will be paid. There are no more places that you can be expelled to. Do you understand what's coming?

@Quentel @amerika @shortstories

>No one wants to make any more deals with your kind

Idk what you're talking about, bagels were never enslaved.

>There will be no payouts

Probly not but that doesn't mean its not deserved.

> Too many people are realizing what you've done.

You're not making sense. I haven't DONE anything but speak the truth.

>There are no more places that you can be expelled to.

I've never been expelled from anywhere I had good grades in school.

@basedbagel @Quentel @shortstories

Payouts are far cheaper than continuing diversity.

One costs money, the other destroys your civilization.

@shortstories @Quentel

Thank you @amerika It's good to see someone else can think more than 2 steps ahead.

There is no money; there is no two steps ahead.

Let me explain this using nigger-speak, so it might have a chance to be understood: Dum-asses r triina rob a crib dat has no bling-bling.

@Quentel @amerika @shortstories

>There is no money

False. In 1971 we got off the gold standard so our money is only backed by faith and the power of the US military.

>Let me explain this using nigger-speak

You must be another salty, stubborn, southerner. 🤦‍♂️

Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they're not white.

The VAST majority of gov handouts and affirmative action are WHITE women.

If you took womens rights away there would be MORE than enough $ to cover reparations.

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> In 1971 we got off the gold standard so our money is only backed by faith and the power of the US military.

Read that again to yourself... and try really hard to think about what comes next.

@Quentel @amerika @shortstories

Nice try moving the goalpost stay on topic.

You said there was no $.

I said yes there is and the gov prints it like there's no tomorrow because there's nothing backing the US dollar but faith and military might.

You told me to read my post again but you clearly lack basic reading comprehension ability.

@basedbagel @Quentel @amerika

zero times any real number is zero

zero divided by any real number is zero

so we can print out an unlimited number of dollars without each dollar losing value

Because dollars were worth nothing to begin with

He thinks you are black and or Jewish & that is why you want reparations money

If we double the money supply each dollar will be worth half as much which is the same that it is worth now

Printing out more money would be good

I want more disbelief in $

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