
Money DOES buy happiness! Don't let anyone gaslight you otherwise! 😤

Money got me:

My own place
Regular massages
My dream tech setup

All of this brings me happiness daily and the novelty has yet to wear off.

· Edited · · Fedilab · 3 · 3 · 1

@basedbagel A clarification should be made with the "money cannot buy you happiness" statement. Having enough money will make you happy up to the point where you have your needs met. But once you have your actual needs met, having more and more money stops bringing happiness.

If you cannot be happy when making 100K a year, you will not become happy just because you are making 200K. If you think that extra money will make you happy, you need to ask yourself what you are really missing.

@houseoftolstoy @basedbagel Money itself does not buy happiness. Money allows you to purchase the real wealth that allows you to create happiness in the context of those specific things.

Happiness can be created via other means which do not require money, but all endeavours require the investment of resources, whether time or money.

@basedbagel I'm pleased that you're enjoying life so much!

@basedbagel People that said money doesn't buy happinest maybe they are refering what you sacrificar to get that money. Here Is a scene from a movie that nailed

That's True, I just didn't see the need to over explain since I have a high IQ audience.

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