I don't trust any red 💊 man with a daughter. I've seen too much

@basedbagel - under the current system, having a daughter is a loss. You can invest as much time, money, and effort, as you want... and it will be for nothing.

In the post collapse, you make her your property (obviously while keeping her chaste). And you transfer that property to a man at an appropriate time.

And you have about 15 years or so, to come to terms with the fact that you will likely have no further say in her future after she's married off. It's a lot like selling a beloved car.


@Scubbie 😂 lol yeah right you southern dudes SPOIL your daughters so much you'd probably put her dowry at some crazy price none could afford


@basedbagel @YoMomz A new Harley Davidson for the oldest one,and a New lifted Truck for the Red head seems like a place to start once she is grown

@Scubbie I'm shocked, that price that actually sounds kind of reasonable


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