TIL some people's parents pay for HALF their rent and bills...

Every day is a test of my resolve not to become envious or resentful.

But this is right up there with female FULL scholarships for how much it shocked me

@basedbagel I was at the table once when a son asked his dad to pay the ENTIRE down payment on his house. And he was a complete piece of shit. I'm starting to suspect the two things are related.


> pay the ENTIRE down payment on his house.

😲 You just can't make this stuff up.

In fairness My parents pitch in for education related stuff but even then I STILL have student loans 😭

Meanwhile some lucky jackass is going to get a down payment on their house and/or a 50% of their bills and rent paid...

But we gotta pull ourselves up by our 🥾 straps...

I try not to think about it, its so painful.

@basedbagel @Mongoliaboo

The night before my first day of college many many moons ago I was working late at a shitty job earning shit money. I had next to nothing.

The next day at college I met a guy who was living in an apartment close by, bought for him outright by his dad.




> shitty job earning shit money. I had next to nothing.

I just had a Nam flashback

I worked for minimum wage at my campus job. One day a feminist coworker bitched to me about her pay.

I asked her how much she got paid, since I make minimum wage she should make 77% of that, she looked shocked and went silent.

Come to find out EVERYONE in there was not only paid more but they all got a raise and didn't tell me...

Some people just bitch about anything

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