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MFW when I found out women get FREE grants to go to college.

I got bit by some mosquitos and I'm praying to GOD they haven't bit anyone vaccinated before me.

"Everone has their own unique value to add to the world"

Me searching for the value:

Shoutout to all the older guys sharing their stories.

Hearing the HELL you guys endured in your marriages has

1. Saved me years of suffering and$$

2. Helped me put my problems in perspective.

Thanks for being the canaries in the coal mine.

Your warnings didn't fall on deaf ears

How does SBF get out of a $250 million bail while only paying 700K in cash?!

What kind of Jewish money magic is this?!

Idk what it is about economics that makes people so based but it seems to be the only thing that stops minorities from going woke.

@Tfmonkey on dating:

POV: TFM gives his feminist daughter dating advice after she asks why she can't find a good man.

MFW All of the New year resolution retards have given up and I FINALLY have my gym back!

I have pity for the chlidren who got vaxxed by their normie parents as they had no choice. in the matter.

I pray those kids will be the exception and not die of AIDS.

But for the rest of you mudbloods...

Hey @Tfmonkey remember when you said when dealing with normies at work to show them your neck and be self-deprecating so they don't envy you?

Well it hurt my ego but worked like like CHARM and I got and award AND a raise thank you so much!

The difference meditation made in my life after 379 sessions.

I know I'm late to the party but I just used CHAT-GPT to make me automation scripts and when I saw the result I was like:

Twitter: OMG DiCaprio is dating ANOTHER 19 year old. He's like a LITERAL sex offender Oh me Oh my!


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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.