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I've been doing my taxes since I was a teenager and I'm NEVER doing it myself again.

The tax professional did my taxes faster and gave me a MUCH bigger refund with no stress.

I'm all about DIY when you start but delegate as soon as you can afford.

Don't overthink your business name.

I named my company after an inside joke 😂

Were the 90's that great or are boomers wearing nostalgia goggles?

Bagel theory:

The reason why youtube removed the option to filter by oldest video is to make it harder to detect organic youtubers from gov shills.

Normalizing sexual degeneracy around children is not something to make a podcast about.

It's something you make the NEWS about.

But it's alright I'm sure they'll sue their way out of this

I'm tired of people saying the government is lying about Ukraine.

Haven't you heard of the power positive affirmations? 😂

What I like about having my own business:

1. NO VACCINE! 😃 Literally the reason why I started lol

2. I get to work whenever I want, with who I want, wherever I want.

So no more:

Envious/passive aggressive coworkers
Pretending to work

3. People treat me with more respect.

4. Paid by project > hours.

What I don't like

1. Cheap/Retard ass clients

2. Taxes are a pain!

3. Prospecting - constantly sending proposals, getting ghosted and following up with leads can be a pain.

You guys GPT4 has my HYPE!

I already made some $$ thanks to GPT3.

GPT4 is gonna make me even richer🤑

If you watch a nature documentary with a red pill perspective it's quite based and enjoyable.

The hard times don't build you, they reveal you.

When I started my business I pivoted 3 times before I got my 1st client.

"Engage the enemy and then plan"


Normies mocked me for YEARS for wearing cheap, comfortable, off brand clothes.

Well guess what I just found out?

Many name brand clothes are made in the SAME factory with the SAME material as my cheapo TJ MAXX clothes LOL!

I hope the "superior quality"/name brand was worth that sweet consumer debt😂 !

"He who laughs last laughs best"


Change my mind:

Taxes shouldn't be above 20% of your net income

The way people talk about tax write- offs I thought I wouldn't be paying much in taxes.


All tax write-offs do is bring your taxes from JESUS CHRIST to somewhat reasonable.

I was in a discord call with a dude flirting with SUICIDE due to dry dick.

If this is you PLEASE don't kill yourself!

I have 2 solutions:

1. Buy a cheap flight to a country where bitches have no rights like Thailand

2. Just by a hoe. I know prostitution isn't alpha but it sure beats suicide so IDGAF.

Share this message with an "incel" near you.

Do not judge a woman's standards by what they say.

That's just a wish list.

To find a woman's true standards, look to the father(s) of her children.

@basedbagel The biggest Red Pill I ever got was understanding that MOST of the people who I thought meant the world to me; I did not mean Anything to them. I was totally unmemorable to them. As a man, you are useless, unless you are providing value to someone else and once that flow of resources ends, so does your existence, to them.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.