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I just saw 2 videos of kids beating up their teachers.

If some dumbass kid puts their hands on me because I took their phone away IM GOING TO JAIL

I feel like the rabbit from Alice in wonderland frantically trying to escape the west before it's too late.

In retrospect I wonder if I really a nerd or were they all just stupid?

Moral of the story: I got real lucky! 😂

Also Females don't care about your worldview, politics, morality one bit.

All they care about is if they find you attractive or useful.


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We need to stop saying women only like bad boys.

I don't think women care about your moral compass at all and here's why.

A while back a bitchmade backstabbing fake ass coworker went through my bag while I was in the restroom and found my notes on a TFM video about why women don't need rights .

He then tells a female coworker that I was against women's rights.

Guess what? Not only did she not give a FUCK and still go out with me and just texted me that she misses me.

Crazy right?!


Money maynot buy happiness but it sure buys you some peace of mind.

Ever since I moved I'm not worried about anyone robbing me or stealing from me or doing any kinds of degenerate nonsense.

I suggest you all do the same.

I just had an epiphany.

As a headstrong guy I always wondered why females were so quick to give up/ask for help until now.

If you're a female and you're in trouble people are more than happy to help you.

This is not the case for most men at all.

In fact I recall many times people took great pleasure in my misfortune.

So I no longer think females are stupid for acting as if the world is a safe and happy place because for them it is.

For men the world is hostile, cruel and unforgiving.

It's hard for me to feel bad for black pillers because they talk as if pussy is the only thing worth living for.

Whether I not I got laid I always found a way to have some fun.

If you can't find any meaning in life outside of females you can't be trusted

I'm so tired of people saying you shouldn't hate anyone.

Why not?

It's natural to hate people who go out of their way to lower your quality of life.

I hate most people for because

1. They're easily maniuplated

2. They cost me money and time

3. Due to their parasitic nature they hold us back as a species so much I'm flirting with the idea of eugenics.

4.They won't leave you alone unless you threaten them.

5. They go out of their way to to do evil things.

Everyone talks about the difference in police treatment based on race.

But nobody talks about the gender differences in police treatment. (Which is WAY more interesting IMO)

But y'all aren't ready for that conversation.

3 fetishes I will never comprehend:

1. Any kind of femdom/torture (Sex should be FUN, not painful.)

2. Muscle girls 🤮

3. Scat 🤢

Please READ your insurance benefits summary.

I just got a $5 medical bill waived by making a simple phone call.

I know it sounds petty but thats $5 I shouldn't have been billed in the first place! 😤

Many people get ripped off with their health care bills and have no idea because they don't read their insurance benefits summary.

Reading is fundamental and will save you 💰

Theres a great book on this called "Never pay the 1st bill."

" passes most people by while they are making grand plans for it."
- Author unknown

Even a feminist will agree that women shouldn't be active duty in the military.

But who the HELL thought a female cop would be a good idea?

Why would you want your daughter to deal with the dregs of society daily who are 50% stronger than her?

All the fat people around me never bothered me until red pill creators pointed it out.

Now I can't unsee it and it annoys me.

Media bias is a powerful thing.

Do you guys believe the IRS can really enforce this $600 rule even with the 75,000 people they're adding?

Without the help of AI or CBDC I don't think they'll be able to do it because the IRS is slow already.

Personally I suspect this is just another way for them to mess with people they don't like.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and all the single dads doing both jobs!

I thought I was immune to external validation until my dad told me he was proud of me after my graduation.

I know I shouldn't care so much but what can I say I'm not made of stone.

I was like:

Hot take: It's not cheating if your wife refuses to fuck you or if she's over 25 pounds heavier than when you 1st met

Rollo Tomassi is a blue pill grifter.

The dude plagiarized his most popular book and doesn't practice what he preaches.

I don't care if he's been married 28 years.

If you got married knowing the consequences you are blue pill because you chose pussy > logic.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.