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@blitzdriver @Tfmonkey She *was* definitely a cutie!
Her and Jessica Simpson.
Both dumb as a box of hair, though...

This one turned out pretty good. Celestina and I have kind of a Pirate Captain Parrot vibe going.

Since my fiber internet and VPN upgrades didn't fix the problem, I'm going to switch restreaming to multiple platforms off of my computer and utilize Restream, which allows up to 5 simultaneous streams for $20 a month. I could go more, but it get expensive quickly.

Maybe streaming to multiple sites simultaneously is causing the problem somehow? Worth a shot I guess. I'm all out of ideas.

Here is Celestina in Fallen Earth. I've joined the CHOTA (Children of the Apocalypse) faction and upgraded my dual switchblades for dual combat knives.

The stars aligned and I got a good picture with a good monkey and the correct number of digits. It's a SpRoPu miracle!

@Tfmonkey This is a goldmine of shitposts. I'll make a thread out of it.

This is my new favorite pose. I don't know what it's called. I just combined "laying down, butt, closeup face" in the prompt.

I just learned a new slogan from Brazil: behind every conservative Christian right wing woman there's a kitchen sink full of dirty dishes and a broken hymen.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.