@Stahesh @37712 lol you think modern women even care for seeing a guy multliple times XD sweet summer child.20 year olds now have three digit body counts . get with the times old man. imagine even losing the only thing worth it in your life " ffreedom" from some hole thats been ran through. by countless men and animals lol. u are a joke. at that moment just pop smoke and ghost.if you still need bio minge move to the next one and get more stds or just get a doll.#riseAboveRetainYourFreedom
@dander @37712 Why white knight? First beat her and random just little. for crime you need evidence. Like they say no crime if there is no evidence.
One thing is one random stranger and another is someone who she seen multiple time. Because he will know about you. Like they often do.
Next thing is how much time, money and energy I invested in relationship. That will depend on my state of mind and what fuck up things I will do in rage.
Another think if you fuck around you will find out.