@Stahesh @37712 WTF beat some random guy who doesnt even know wtf is going wtf is wrong with you. instead of just slaying the hoe the cunt who literarly initiatiting it . u invovle some completely innocent guy . how dont you understand how fucked up that is. stop being a fuking white knight for a fucking hoe . people like you ended up deaded . you wont be the last dont worry. I FUKING HATE WHITE KNIGHTS
@Stahesh @37712 lol you think modern women even care for seeing a guy multliple times XD sweet summer child.20 year olds now have three digit body counts . get with the times old man. imagine even losing the only thing worth it in your life " ffreedom" from some hole thats been ran through. by countless men and animals lol. u are a joke. at that moment just pop smoke and ghost.if you still need bio minge move to the next one and get more stds or just get a doll.#riseAboveRetainYourFreedom