
This is the dark side of belief in Karma that people are NEVER willing to talk about.

They think karma is all about wishy-washy hippie peace bullshit, but if you take it seriously, as the Hindus do, then that girl getting raped by every authority supposed to protect her was her own fault. Her karma.

They have to bite the bullet and say that a baby getting raped to death is justified because of past life debt.

That's where karma-based ethics inevitably leads, Indian society.

@UncleIroh @dander All you have to do with someone who believes in karma is bring up the Holocaust. Watch how angry they get with you.

@Mr_Mister @dander

That would be a funny debate.

Simulation Theory also leads to the same moral nihilism as karma-based ethics.

If we're just simulated objects in a computed construct then nothing anyone does can ever be really harmful since we're essentially bits and bytes in a video game.

Like karma, you can tell yourself it's OK to commit the worst crimes, GG out of there and then maybe re-spawn.

There are billionaire/millionaire tech-bro elites who legit hold this position.

@dander - I remember TFM back in the day would talk about the civilizational "life history cycle", that basically went: hard patriarchy (ancient middle east, Conan times, etc) > soft patriarchy (1950s USA) > matriarchy (welfare dependent ghettos, etc) >> hard patriarchy.

I wonder if these stories from India are a glimpse of the transition from matriarchy to hard patriarchy... 🤔 I wouldn't be surprised to see rape figuring prominently in that process. 💁🏻‍♂️

@YoMomz @dander As long as ZOG exist in 182 nations
and its too safe and easy
we wont return to actual local patroracy
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