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dudgeon boosted

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Spread them ass cheeks
So the government can rape you

dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted

@ButtWorldsMan Didn't the cuckold subreddids cease to function during the Hamas invasion? Theyre full of fucking kikes.

dudgeon boosted

you know its bad when they are getting infront of it this early

dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted

why in the fuck is still fucking breathing, they been screaming for peace then boom 180 degree now this. wtf Pootieputs

@VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey

dudgeon boosted
I just woke up and all hell is about to break loose:
Just last night:
Hezbollah leader either killed or wounded in beirut.
Leader of political burau of hamas killed by missile in northern tehran
Iranian army is now on standby and the government said whoever launched the missile on their capital will be punished.
Hezbollah, Hamas and Yemen said they will respond in faith as well.
Update: Iranian gov said they will respond in kind. Targets are being prepared.
You guys wanted a happening, now you got one.
dudgeon boosted
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