we are so fucked coz not only do wehave to worry about that pesky 19th right but the everyday chemicals are cucking us too. not to even mention the #vaids .....
even knowing all these violent truths i feel like i dont even truely comprehend the true horror of it all. that my mind is not even capable comprehending it all.
getting super spoopy spookie spookies . this is the end huh. precidence of "illigal" weapons , now anything goes buddy boyos @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @zebuceta
hold on to ur larger than normal clits
no speed cameras to cuck you.dont have to worry about lemmings sharing the road with you and getting snuffed out involved in their #oroborosmaxxing games.
sure you fuck up majorly off the cliff its gg. but u die like a #RealMan and the bears might go balls deep in ur ass but atleast they wont be infested with uncurable stds like all the women. best part , no #rapeFalsies
so many frontiers out there outside of a wet wrinkle hole that god knows how many penises and animals dicks or beasts? have used it all up. how many out there even know motorcycle camping is a thing. a great thing at that.
no speed cameras to cuck you.dont have to worry about lemmings sharing the road with you and getting snuffed out
i guess nukes really are flying soon.guess they caught pooland running interference using there "diplomatic offices"
just nuke us alraedy enough with the fukin foreplay. #allsotiring
its all i live for and dream to do. that and goth waifu with spropu heart.
#ATGATT ! ⚠️
#motorbikeLaifu #transAmericaTrail
#ATGATT ! ⚠️
ditch your cagie pussy
Brifaults law.masculine presenting transgender lesbian