@Tfmonkey One thought about "nobody doing anything when children are dying from the Covid vaccine," the people getting their children to take the shots are far more likely to be leftist NPCs, who would not be the ones to be questioning the narrative nor rise up against the currently Democrat controlled government.

Not saying many right wingers would do anything either, but they are far less likely to have their children get the shots. People care about their own kids much more than in general.


@Tfmonkey by "more than in general," I mean all children collectively. This is why we need higher character limits.

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@houseoftolstoy @Tfmonkey I dont think so, I completely understood that you where talking about ppl as a group, as an average. Leave it to women to come out and say stupid things like "but I know X who does not fit that statement" that is when you know that you are dealing with someone who has a low IQ.

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