
>Despite ​Japan's attempts in recent years to encourage people to have more children — including promises of financial bonuses and better benefits — birthrates in the country have been in continuous decline for 14 years.

It's almost like coaxing and bribing policies don't bring up birth rates. Let's just try to do it harder! That will surely work! And when the fertility rate goes up by .1, we will cheer and celebrate.

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Maybe worth uploading to Graphs are the spice of life.

@houseoftolstoy Ban porn and birth control, not rocket science. To your point, those policies are often self defeating as they seek to defeat expensive family formation by subsidizing it, but the subsidies then go on to make formation more expensive. It's the old minimum wage conundrum: it's not that people don't make enough, it's that crap costs too much.
@EvilSandmich @houseoftolstoy They also need a concerted cultural push through media to lionize pairing off, discourage the consoomer ghettos that make men and women incompatible, etc.

They could actually do it as ZOG doesn't rule their media.

@EvilSandmich @houseoftolstoy yep that has been tried too and it does not work, funny how the UN prodly says that the best way to reduce overpopulation is to help empower women with equal rights as men and education but cucks like you dont dare say that to fix low fertility problems we need to take womans rights away. Islam is right about woman.

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