
There would be a lot less stress and anxiety in society overall if we stopped fighting against what nature intended. I specifically am referring to women and their general desire to have children who instead choose the career path and/or grad school path because they were told they needed to go out there and be accomplished.

Many of them do not even want to any of this and would rather be stay-at-home mothers. But apparently social stigma is stronger than biological urges. But only to a point.

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@houseoftolstoy to elaborate I would say its both social and familial stigma contribute to this as with all people the beliefs that your family put on you push you into certain directions of your life. Once you are older you realize that though they tried family is often wrong in certain things and that to strike off in your own path is best. This is a thing women are less likely to do than men. Often times it is late in life when women without the support of family in their older years not being given the same validation as they once had realize that perhaps they should have had a family.

When people are telling you that the course you are taking correct and its normal you can take on stress and anxiety that normally you wouldn't, its similar to the issue with transitioning people are telling them its a normal thing to do and that its okay. There is no other voice telling them that being normal is fine and there is all the celebration of being different.

TLDR; I blame families and societal structures for giving women misconceptions about life that they need to work and have to compete with men rather than reasonably compliment each other.

I am rather drunk so I hope this is legible.

@houseoftolstoy I would say it is broken families as well and a system that empowers all their poor decisions. FAR too many positive incentives introduced exasturbate it.

Easier said than done.

Most people don't like their place in the world and they don't mind living a lie.

@houseoftolstoy Instead of asking society to accept nature, ask yourself to accept the delusional nature of society.

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