Videos like this piss me off. Of course Dave Ramsey's advice is not going to "get you rich." The people he is working with are those who are so far in a financial hole that they need a simple, foolproof plan to get them out. Dave Ramsey has that plan.

You should not be worried about trying out for the Major Leagues in baseball when you cannot even hit the ball off a tee. So stop huffing about his advice not making you rich, it is not supposed to do that.

Another example of the same thing. "Not all debt is bad debt!" Yes, that is true. But the people that need Dave Ramsey are clearly incapable to dealing with ANY debt. You should not be trying to get into making money on rental properties if you cannot handle your credit card debt. Getting into rental properties comes with many risks, which the people who need Dave Ramsey cannot afford, as they already are in a hole.

And airline miles being a positive example for "credit card debt is not always bad" is retarded. Hey Joshua, if you are spending money with your credit card so that you can get "free airline miles," you are an idiot. Don't give me this "you are spending the money anyways." Usually, you are spending more than you normally would under the justification of getting something for "free." When you have a lot of debt, you need to cut spending. Which means credit card spending is going to be bad always.

Another analogy I can think of is complaining about someone who is giving general fitness and diet advice to fat people because "They will never become a professional athlete with that advice!"

If you are a fatass who just needs to learn how to eat less and exercise, the least of your worries is being one of the greatest athletes in the world.

"Look how much Michael Phelps eats in a day! Clearly eating a lot is not always bad!"

Again, you are talking to fatasses, not people on Phelp's level.

@basedbagel @houseoftolstoy

250 Calories per donut

100 Calories per mile walked ( it might be more if obese )

If walking at 3 miles per hour burns 300 Calories

Then if you eat a donut you have to walk an extra 50 minutes

It is easier to not eat the donut

Since running or any high calories exercise if you are obese hurts the joints you are very limited in how much weight you can lose by exercising per week if you are obese

Obese people will use exercise as an excuse to eat junk food

@shortstories @basedbagel @houseoftolstoy exactly
you'll never work off hours of eating junk food even if you're hitting the gym every other day for a couple hours, the calorie burns are never going to add up

also doing low intensity shit like walking is never going to get someone thin, that's just shoe sales bullshit

that's not to say you can't eat dirty, but you have to be at a fitness level that already allows for that, starting fat you're already super far behind and eating dirty will not work

like i can eat a couple donuts before i ice climb, because i'm in ice climbing shape

@dictatordave @basedbagel @houseoftolstoy

I would not advise obese people to lose weight by exercising because they will use exercise as an excuse to continue eating junk food & they can never lose significant weight while eating the amount of junk food that made them obese in the 1st place even if they add on as much low intensity exercise as their time & joint health permits

I am talking only about people so heavy that anything more metabolically intense than walking will injure them

@shortstories @dictatordave @basedbagel Good point. Most weight loss is a matter of diet. Exercise can help accelerate weight loss, but not nearly as much a eating properly.

There is a saying I like in reference to this: You can't outrun your fork.

Just looking at the rough estimates when I run on a treadmill, 10 minutes of running is about 100 calories. It takes far less time to eat 100 calories.

@houseoftolstoy @shortstories @dictatordave @basedbagel calories dont actualy mean anythign to your body whatsoever. calories is how much water heats from burning food. wich your body doesnt literealy burn food it converts it. its about what you eat. and to not be eating all day

@markcuban @basedbagel @shortstories @dictatordave I find that it is more accurate to say that fat people miscount the number of calories they take in (e.g. not counting a Starbucks coffee chock full of sugar). And they often claim that calories is bogus because they insist that they eat well (but don't).

Yes, your body will not be able to use every single calorie in the food you eat. But if you eat under the amount of food your body needs to maintain the current weight, you will lose weight.

@houseoftolstoy @basedbagel @shortstories @dictatordave learn what a calory and calorometer actualy are. your body does not do that they ar a useless metric. thigns like a piece of wood has callories or fucking oil
@houseoftolstoy @basedbagel @dictatordave @shortstories crude oil has calories./ these are not things you can eat but it has calories. see what a useless metric it is

@markcuban @basedbagel @shortstories @dictatordave The food has potential energy. Which can be measured in calories. I don't care if it can "use" all the calories or not or if other things technically have calories, it still is a close enough of a measure to tell you if you are going to get more energy from one food versus another food. You get fat when you eat too many calories, you lose weight when you eat a lower amount of calories than homeostasis.

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@houseoftolstoy @basedbagel @shortstories @dictatordave no you get fat wen you eat wheat all day. you get thin by stop fuckign eating all day
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