@sardonicsmile - as an artist, I could make the guy on the left look decent. 🤔

I mean, the lighting & surroundings are shit. His expression looks like he's taking a shit - bone structure is fine. He looks a little short (hard to tell), and he's got at least a decade on the other guys, maybe two.

But put him at ease and smiling, remove glasses & with decent lighting, and he would at least fit in on the right.

If I had to guess though, I'd say other things are probably more important to him.🍻


@YoMomz @sardonicsmile if the guys on the right are doing everything described, then they will stop being aesthetic when they reach their mid 20s. It is super easy to rely on "genetics" when you have teenage metabolism and do sports year round. The real test is when you have to go out of your way to make time to be healthy and fit.

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