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A wildly different example of keeping a lie going but not for the money is with climate science. How much bullshit are we being told decade after decade that this time, we are all going to be past the point of no return and that we have to act now or else we are all doomed? Quite a bit. But is that really all for the money? I am not so sure about that.

I speculate that the problem is that those in that field are in too deep be making any waves against the current prevailing narrative.

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"Hurr, hurr, you are not a horse! Don't take ivermectin!"

"Oh, we did not MANDATE people not take it, we just recommended not to! Please don't sue us! Also, the vaxx is still totally safe and effective! Make sure to get your booster!"

Fuck you FDA. Fuck you.

Watching @Tfmonkey debate Destiny, and it reminded me of these Smuggies.

"No, you need to have a STUDY that concludes the exact information you claim is true! Using data you compiled and making logical inferences is not allowed!"

Screenshot of as of now. What is important is not what the numbers exactly are for swing states, but rather what happens when people realize what is happening with any "mail in votes" or any other shenanigans. Bets will swing if they know something is in the works.

If there is any riggery, I have to wonder if anyone is going to want to place a bet, since the outcome can always be "fortified."

Would you look at that. I think a certain @Tfmonkey said that the climate change agenda was all about getting rid of capitalism.

Is there a tag yet? Now there is.

>double the number of "investigations"
>count people at the January 6th protest as part of the "domestic terrorism" numbers

If we experience a total collapse, never forget how these lying faggot assholes at place like NPR were happy to aide in the tyranny that is currently taking place. "Only domestic terrorists question the election results!"

Even if these limp wristed soyboys and bull dykes manage to survive the initial purge days, they won't last long when people find out about their past.

Huffpost is trash, so no link. But you can look that up and find it if you want.

The important takeaway is that a call for diplomacy from anti-war Democrats was immediately quashed by the establishment because they want to keep the war going. This shows that the anti-war left is only given glowing attention when they are considered useful to the narrative. When they are not, they are put in the corner, just like every other pet cause that makes up the coalition of the American left.

If Germans start having to ration power and heating, we should all agree these faggots should be the first on the list to have no electricity and heat in their homes. Don't worry, their chuckles and smugness will keep them nice and warm.

Might be a fake story, but it is entertaining.

Even if it is a silly story, it actually is quite reflective of some people's political perspective. As in, they will consider gay marriage to be THE litmus test for what they call freedom.

"If gay people can marry, then you have freedom! Never mind all the other obtrusive laws that actually restrict freedom, homosexuality is the only thing that matters! So who cares if you can get arrest for hate speech, gay marriage!"

I know this is old news and that Twitter is not real life, but it is important to know that normies are receiving this messaging. Hard to know how much direction such people are taking from higher ups to push some narrative, but it would not shock me to find out that they also do not see any inconsistency in their messaging. Though the 180 degree turn makes me think that this sort of thing is done by committee.

Also, I think most "popular" Twitter users have some bots padding the numbers too.

Reminder that there are people who are stupid enough to think that they can take on an elephant in a fight. Sure, many of the other categories are also ridiculous such as a gorilla or a grizzly bear, but at least they are closer to the size of a human. An elephant? Just what do these people think they can do to harm an elephant bear handed? There is a reason that elephant guns are a thing, and it just might have something to do with the fact that regular guns don't do jack shit to an elephant.

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