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@Wopu What exactly is the point of "trust" in a "poly relationship" anyways? It is like being an owner of a convenience store and having trust in the shoplifters and let them steal from you.

Most of these men are sadly too far gone to admit that they are getting a bad deal.

I am not saying whether or not Jesus existed but a bunch of people make up stories claiming deities in other religions did such and such in such and such a story and Jesus is just a copy of that story but then they do not cite a translation of that manuscript with that claim and give the alleged date of that manuscript relative to the alleged date of the new testament manuscripts

Lucifer's MOST Devilish Deception DESTROYED



This prediction was absolutely spot on. Almost every pickup truck I see is the ones with the cab taking up half of the truck, as if pickup trucks were meant to be used to transport a small family rather than being used for hauling various loads in the bed.

It is rare to see a pickup truck that actually looks like it was made for hauling loads in the bed while also having efficiency in terms of size in mind (e.g. Ford Ranger).

I just now realized there are people who know nothing about technology, but who think they can judge relative merit in tech by looking at fucking stock prices

@SuperSnekFriend @Arkana The reason you generally do not see this kind of post on Reddit is not because this opinion does not exist there, but rather that it is most of suppressed for wrongthink by power mods and admins who do not want any "incorrect opinions" to be seen. Everything has to conform to their leftist worldview, and they will suppress any other opinions while artificially elevating the "correct" opinions.

@special-boy I put it in quotes because some might disagree with the idea that it is a dystopia.

Got an idea for a "dystopian" novel. All people who are single are forced to live in the pods. They are only granted larger living accommodations when they get married. Larger living spaces are granted further when you have children. Those who fail to remain married get sent back to the pods.

Never going to write this myself, but if anyone wanted to steal this concept and fine tune it, go right ahead.

@Blouie this is mostly advice from women and for women. Women can find willing men to have a relationship by their mere existence. Men do not get this luxury. Men must build themselves up to be someone that women will want.

@jeffcliff Show me where the article mentions anti-vaxxers. Because either you are the best shitposter in the world keeping up an act or you are demonstrating some idiotic reasoning with this non-sequitur in order to try and own the "anti-vaxxers."

it's so strange how when they were handed the house, senate and presidency (repeatedly) in the last 25 years they did jack shit with their power
One thing that the film Idiocracy got wrong is that the only form of idiocy is not populistic and anti-intellectual. You can also absolutely have a form of idiocy that is elitist and pseudo-intellectual.

In my view, yes one faction would be watching "ow my balls", but another person would be watching an equally vapid TV show called "let's laugh at the people watching ow my balls". Wow it might have a veneer of intellectualism, in reality it would simply be another form of petty dumb entertainment.

One form of idiocy may be convinced by "Brawndo has what plants crave", but another group may be chanting "scientists and philosophers all agree Brawndo is what plants crave!" Even though they know nothing about science or philosophy.

You shouldn't pick between the two sides because they are both wrong, and both idiocies appeal to baser emotions. Most people know that populism appeals to a desire for simplicity in the world, well elitism appeals to the desire to be able to look down on someone who isn't you. Both forms of idiocy demand conformance to a standard that matches their worldview.

Because at the moment that's the narrative, people may believe that populist idiocy leads to the erosion of democratic values and the spread of misinformation while elitist idiocy creates social divisions and hinders progress. In reality, all forms of idiocy do all of the above. The fact that a falsehood is being spread by people pretending to be smarter than everyone else doesn't make it a truth, it's still just as much a falsehood. The fact that an elitist wants to corrupt democracy because they look down on the people watching "ow my balls" instead of those watching "watching people watch ow my balls, how stupid are these people?" doesn't mean democracy is magically intact. Just because someone is doing something that will regress or otherwise harm society doesn't mean it's not so just because it's a populist doing it, and dividing up people into different classes of people divides society whether your contention is that the populists are the "good guys" or the elitists.

While populism or elitism have representations in idiocy, that doesn't mean that these ideologies are inherently idiotic or that they can't have very meaningful and engaging representations. There are in fact sophisticated arguments for both, and within both. The key isn't the form of idiocy, rather it's the fact that idiocy can have a thousand faces, and using the presentation of one form of idiocy as a heuristic for detecting all forms of idiocy is not accurate.

Ironically, the idea of using the film "Idiocracy" as a heuristic for idiocy is a form of idiocy. You'll see people unthinkingly chant "That's just like the movie Idiocracy!" as if that actually means anything. This only serves as further evidence of my point, that idiocy takes many forms, and there's no ideology you can follow to be inherently immune to it. The key for people who are not physically idiots due to environmental, biological, or developmental factors (who can be forgiven for their infirmities) is to avoid being ideologically idiotic by thinking for oneself -- Critically think, consider the consequences of your thoughts, understand and accept that whatever you choose to believe will not be wholly correct or wholly just or wholly moral. You might end up wrong about something, but at least you came by your conclusions honestly, and if you're not being an idiot and you're wrong, then there's a good chance you will change your mind eventually.
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