@Furgar one of the greatest tricks played on society is the idea that "Child actors just go crazy when they get older!" As if they just could not handle the fame and lifestyle.
No, I am willing to bet Amanda Bynes was a victim of some sick people in the entertainment industry who have preyed upon many young actors. Any parents who love their children should keep them away from the entertainment industry.
@Xenophon Out of curiosity I tried one of the Soylent drinks just to see how it tasted. It tasted just like one of those Ensure meal replacement drinks. And those taste awful.
So I have no idea what the appeal is to these drinks. But maybe my arms are not noodly enough to like it.
@deprecated_ii Not all schools even give you all the AP programs. Our school had AP programs, but not all of them.
Apparently one student at my school decided to take an AP History test of some sort in spite of not having the class, and he still scored well on it (4 or 5 I think). Just a rumor though, but I recall some higher up got upset about this. So I guess you just have to lose the opportunity if your school does not have the class.
And yes, this standard for President is shit.
@TheDamageDealingMeatShield @judgedread Yes, kids cost money and it is not cheap to raise them. But that is not the defining factor for low birth rates. Feminism is the actual issue, as women entering the workforce means women are choosing to delay having children or choosing altogether not to. Along with that, women "working" and getting paid just raises prices across the board, making things (including having children) more expensive.
@shortstories I know governors have the power to do things like that. What I said was in regards to what a governor "should" be doing to help Israel. Which as far as I am concerned, they SHOULD be doing nothing for Israel's sake. They are supposed to serve their state, not a foreign country.
Yes, I don't trust really any elected official to do that either, but I know what their role is meant for.
Recon report from state propaganda radio NPR:
Trump said Gov Josh Shapirio was a bad jew because "he was not doing enough for Israel." Democrats respond by calling statement this "anti-semetic."
Apparently any criticism of a Jew is apparently anti-semetic, and Trump frankly is guilty of liking Jews too much, not hating them. And I am not sure what any governor is supposed to be doing for Israel anyways.
There is no part of this story that is not retarded.
@Bad_Banner @DeezMistaReez As much as I find this betting odds page insightful, it is flawed in its current state since there are still people making bets as if the election results are going to be authentic and heterosexual.
I trust the people putting their money where their mouth is over pollsters and legacy media, but they are not necessarily aware of the current fake and gay conditions that are US elections.
@DW2 Chances are great that these women are not "great" nor are they quite "beautiful" enough to have the inflated standards they have. Women would do themselves a favor by practicing pragmatism and grounding themselves in reality rather than be driven by their egos.
But alas, our society props up such women and enforces this attitude by proclaiming their supposed greatness by their mere existence. So the problem will not be solved very soon.
A media tactic I noticed while listening to the state propaganda on the radio (NPR) is that they will "just ask questions" to whatever Democrat operative they have on, allowing the operative free reign to shill out their message without any pushback. This allows the state propaganda to claim neutrality while obviously pushing a narrative.
Meanwhile, no one on the right will get this softball treatment.
@sardonicsmile Most of those products are also unnecessary and not what men ask for. Once again we have a woman complaining about the conditions they impose upon themselves while trying to blame men when men don't even want it in the first place.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.