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@Furgar Cinderella certainly wanted the marriage too, with the last scene showing her wanting to prove she was the owner of the glass slipper (thus being able to marry the prince).

Ariel was absolutely interested in marriage with Eric too, since she stayed a human to be with him.

Belle reads stories about Prince Charming, and came back to the Beast and declared that she loved him.

Harpies just cannot stand that women just might also like the idea of marriage, so they create these narratives.

I don't "need" the money, but having more on hand will help. My finances are all under control and I am by no means living paycheck to paycheck. But more money than you have now can certainly help.

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My dad may be a boomer by definition of the year he was born, but in some ways he is the polar opposite of how boomers act.

Example: he straight up asked if he could give me some money if I was wanting to make any big purchases like a new car. "I'm not going to spend all my money before I die!"

Indeed he will not, as he still has some old furniture in need of replacing that he can easily afford to replace.

I did end up agreeing to his proposal, but with a lesser quantity than he offered.

the year is 2024. we've come full circle so hard that a program that uses files on your hard drive is considered revolutionary

@sickburnbro @PunishedD @Chzikken_1486 they never expected any states of their Blue Wall to be up for grabs, so they did not consider the need to "fortify" in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Which is why Trump was able to win in 2016.

@VeganMGTOW @shortstories mules are not fertile offspring, so horses and donkeys would not be the same species.

Excluding humans : Are there any species that can produce fertile offspring with different species

If that can not happen between two species then would it imply that all the races of humans are the same species if they can produce fertile mixed race offspring with different races of humans

Jews, Gentiles, Caucasoid, Negroids, Mongoloids would all be the same species

I am not denying racial differences but I would simply suggest all the races of humans are the same species

@shortstories I often see the loose use of the term "species" in animals that are considered different species due to something as trivial as the beak size and shape of birds who are known to be able to produce fertile offspring. It just seems like agenda pushing by those who are trying to prove evolution is true because "See? We have evolution happening with one species branching off!"

For the record, I don't care if evolution is true or not.

Say what you will about the Orange Israeli ball washer, he's at least driven many a shitlib into psychosis. People forget how smug these faggots were following the 2012 election, which helps explain why Zog went full mask-off soon afterward.

@ButtWorldsMan Another thing, if the breaking point for the man was the fact that the other guy was a Trump supporter, he is a lost cause. The breaking point should have been her even bringing up the idea in the first place. It is not as if he should fear losing her, as he already lost her the moment she proposed an open relationship.

@ButtWorldsMan >I feel like I started getting less [sexual stuff]

No shit. "Opening up" a relationship is all about sex with other people. Mainly the woman screwing other guys, while the man gets nothing. And you know the moment he would find someone she would immediately demand they no longer have an open relationship.

If she wanted her husband, she would not be seeking other men.

I just heard a version of "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" where they replaced "a pistol that shoots" with "a trumpet that shoots."

They politically corrected an already politically correct Christmas song. There will never be enough revisions to keep up with the demands of modern sensibilities.

"Y'know, Democrats would be considered far right in le enlightened Yurop" is probably one of the dumbest things plebbitors say that they genuinely believe.
Trump proved these papers will run defense for literally anything—no matter how wrong or evil it is—purely out of contrarian spite.

No surprises are found with this "we need to raise our birth rates" in South Korea. But what really makes me roll my eyes is when one of the women states "we should have policies like those in many European countries to solve this issue."

Oh, the countries that also have a below replacement rate? Yes, that is the solution. And many of those countries only have slightly higher birth rates due to immigrant populations in many ways. So no, that is not the solution.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @sickburnbro not saying that all young generation members are bad, but that the bad ones are not really seen as bad in their eyes. And they cannot imagine that anyone in their family could possibly have anything impure about them. Even when it should be known that the cultural landscape the younger generation grew up with often poisons the well and corrupts the youth while the family has diminished influence.

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