@Wopu What exactly is the point of "trust" in a "poly relationship" anyways? It is like being an owner of a convenience store and having trust in the shoplifters and let them steal from you.
Most of these men are sadly too far gone to admit that they are getting a bad deal.
I am not saying whether or not Jesus existed but a bunch of people make up stories claiming deities in other religions did such and such in such and such a story and Jesus is just a copy of that story but then they do not cite a translation of that manuscript with that claim and give the alleged date of that manuscript relative to the alleged date of the new testament manuscripts
Lucifer's MOST Devilish Deception DESTROYED
This prediction was absolutely spot on. Almost every pickup truck I see is the ones with the cab taking up half of the truck, as if pickup trucks were meant to be used to transport a small family rather than being used for hauling various loads in the bed.
It is rare to see a pickup truck that actually looks like it was made for hauling loads in the bed while also having efficiency in terms of size in mind (e.g. Ford Ranger).
@Humpleupagus I hear that the food is free too.
@SuperSnekFriend @Arkana The reason you generally do not see this kind of post on Reddit is not because this opinion does not exist there, but rather that it is most of suppressed for wrongthink by power mods and admins who do not want any "incorrect opinions" to be seen. Everything has to conform to their leftist worldview, and they will suppress any other opinions while artificially elevating the "correct" opinions.
@special-boy I put it in quotes because some might disagree with the idea that it is a dystopia.
Got an idea for a "dystopian" novel. All people who are single are forced to live in the pods. They are only granted larger living accommodations when they get married. Larger living spaces are granted further when you have children. Those who fail to remain married get sent back to the pods.
Never going to write this myself, but if anyone wanted to steal this concept and fine tune it, go right ahead.
@Blouie this is mostly advice from women and for women. Women can find willing men to have a relationship by their mere existence. Men do not get this luxury. Men must build themselves up to be someone that women will want.
@jeffcliff Show me where the article mentions anti-vaxxers. Because either you are the best shitposter in the world keeping up an act or you are demonstrating some idiotic reasoning with this non-sequitur in order to try and own the "anti-vaxxers."
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.