I'm watching everyone fall for the fake and gay wins they're being served up:

1. Orange man wins
2. Non-space X brings back free speech
3. Lizardbook brings back free speech

Did you fight for this victory? If you didn't have to fight for it, you didn't win. The 4d chess is real this time, and you're the victim.

They want you to be racist. They want you to hate Islam. It makes you a good soldier for the coming Iran war.

the military won't lift a finger to stop the invasion of the country by millions of foreigners

the police won't do anything to protect you from criminals and will arrest you if you protect yourself

the firefighters can't even put out fires

the only reason to pay taxes is the government will kill you if you don't

this is liberal democracy
@JuicyGothMommyFeet @BroDrillard @anonaccount @deprecated_ii @pepsi_man it's really fuckin bad for them
everybody knows a vet who got fucked over by the military or the VA, and even families who've been joining the military for generations are telling their kids not to
they can't even tempt people to fight for them with the high interest special on a dodge challenger anymore
and the optics of telling your own soldiers "here's how to apply for food stamps lol" is like the shit you read about in a history book documenting the part of the collapse of the roman empire where entire legions just whole ass deserted

as far as a draft goes, active violent resistance is very far down the list of problems they'll be facing. they've spent the past 50 years of investment in infrastructure and equipment around an all-volunteer professional military, now all of a sudden they've gotta build out security measures to contain people who don't wanna be there and deal with the problems they'll bring with them. then there's the question of where the hell they're gonna find a group of 18-25 year olds who can both pass a drug test and complete a 1 mile run in under 30 minutes without months of PT, or whole ass give in and accept the guy who pisses hot for weed and the guy who thinks he's gonna smuggle fent onto base as a great business opportunity.
then there's finding people. many cities can't even get a 50% response rate on jury duty summons, and all you're asking there is for people to put on pants and show up at the court house to sit in an air conditioned room downtown judging people for a couple weeks. gonna go searching for everyone who doesn't show up? too fucking bad retard, you spent the past decades ruining the housing market for young people. the kid you're looking for never even got their draft notice, cause their driver's license is for 2 apartments ago and they didn't bother waiting in line for 5 hours and paying 40 bucks to dutifully update their address every time cause they know damn well they're gonna have to move again when the landlord doubles rent at the end of their lease.
what if we built a bunch of vinyl-clad mcmansions close together on tiny lots in a dry region and then did nothing to stop wildfire risk rising each year because raking up dead brush is bad for the environment

@Wormwood @DEERBLOOD Looks like a place that is visually appealing. But I have to ask, how do they get enough food in an area like that? They must be doing a lot of importing, since I doubt they can grow much for crops or raise enough animals in such an area.

Greenland is only livable in some areas due to modern technology. There is a reason this land has historically been devoid of people.

How would you rate the one known as Gorlock on a scale from 1-10?

The problem with this question is that the scale is limited. 1 is not low enough, as 0 would be bare minimum. But I would consider this to be a negative 10, since I would rather be permanently single than have any sort of relationship with "her."

Because you don't even get a biological woman. You get an obese man LARPing as one. I would think less of a man who would choose her just so he would no longer be single.

"Violence is never the answer" is an understandable idea when you consider the fact that violence often begets more violence. Those who make that statement want violence to be avoided, as it often does bring more harm than it does benefit. But it is naive to think that it is "never the answer." Sometimes you encounter someone or a group that can only be stopped with an even greater amount of violence.

It is not pleasant, but life is often not either.

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"Violence is never the answer" is a phrase I have often heard by those who will unironically brand Hitler as the most evil man to ever live and consider Abraham Lincoln the greatest President ever to live.

We can debate the merits (or lack thereof) of these assertions, but I don't think these same people see any issue with US going full out against the Axis countries or think Abraham Lincoln was anything but a saint.

Violence was the answer during these times. It was just a matter of who won.

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