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If you're a liberal you're the good guy, it's just that simple. And as we all know the good guys have won every war in American history...just like my favorite Marvel movies!

Holy shit this is all it takes to be DEBUNKED? Literal

“uh okay, so it’s true, but who even cares? Pfizer douche #21 said it’s totally safe so anyone doubting him is wrong!!!”

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I've always looked at modern 4chan as a kind of glownigger thunderdome, a racing circuit where they duke it out and hone their messaging for whatever arguments they wanna make. Seeing this a few times lately, saying "UH ITS ON YOU TO PROVE ITS HARMFUL ASSHOLE PFIZER DOESNT OWE YOU PROOF"
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Unfortunately, with a mixed economy that is neither purely free market nor purely communist, we are always stuck fighting over how far we attempt each of these opposing plans. Obviously a pure communist approach will fail, but in theory should fail quickly enough, which gives people a chance to realize it won't work. The split the baby approach gives commies enough plausible deniability to just blame capitalism for the failings of their plans. You know this because we see them do it every time.

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A less political example is the goal of reaching a million dollars in net worth. One approach is to go all in on a get rich quick scheme. This will most likely not work and just make you poor. But if it does work once, you will reach the goal.

The slow and steady approach is far more likely to succeed, but it is slow. Not only that, but the very implementation of that plan simply cannot work alongside a get rich quick scheme, as you are unable to make such risks.

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For example, those who want to have a more free market system as a means to attain prosperity are going to be at odds with those who want to have an expansive welfare system to attempt to reach that same goal. You cannot just agree to try and reach the same goal if you are going in opposite directions in your prescriptions to fix the issues.

Apply this principle to other end goals, and you should see that attempting solutions that clash with each other will just not work.

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"We want to achieve the same goal," is not a good basis for establishing common ground. This is a mistake I see when opposing political sides try to find unity. It is not the end goals that are in contention, but rather the means to those goals that lead to fighting.

Who would argue against a society where everyone is well off enough not to struggle financially? No one, really. But different attempts to reach that goal often conflict with one another.

A few days late and unfortunately a paywall again, but here it is. If I was Taiwan, I would not be feeling so confident with the mixed messaging going on.

For anyone who wants marriage and family in their future, I have some advice:

Don't marry wrong. If that means not marrying at all, so be it.

It is indeed better to not marry at all than to make the wrong choice on who to marry. I will never tell any man that they have an obligation to get married, because in spite of the fact that I am married myself, I understand that my path is not one that can or should be prescribed to all other men.

The FBI is manipulating J6 cases to support Biden regime narrative of national 'extremism' crisis... Meanwhile new whistleblower information reveals that the FBI is moving agents off of child sexual abuse investigations to instead pursue political investigations... Read about news like this and more at the

Women are especially guilty of the sentiment that "I have to go traveling." They may make the excuse that they cannot let down their friends who also want to travel. Chances are, their friends are also guilty of the same bad financial practices and using the same excuses to spend money they do not have.

Don't get me started on how many people think that they are "saving money" by getting airline miles. News flash: you have to spend a lot of money to get those "free" airline miles.

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Yes, the meme of "but paying for Netflix is not the reason I am struggling financially" may have a point regarding that expense not causing financial problems alone, but that is just one of many sacred cows people have in their lives. All of which add up to far more than they think.

It's even worse when debt spending is involved for purchases, as that just makes the problem far worse for people who already cannot afford everything they think they have to have.

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Every time I observe someone discussing how terrible their financial situation is, I am always curious about how exactly they are using their money. How much of it is going towards expenses that are wasteful and unnecessary? Often, this is the case, since many people do not track their spending or understand how "going out for drinks once in a while" ends up biting them hard in their wallets.

Apologies for paywalled content. The article alleges what many have suspected, that they have killed people with Covid19 protocols. Whether it was mindless order following or malice, this shit is why we should not just "trust the experts."

"White people are not ready to talk about racism."

True for some that don't want to make waves, but I am ready. Every time a "conversation" comes up, I guarantee somewhere downstream that the "solutions" always come down to taking money from white people. Be it direct distribution or tax dollars that are paid by whites, they want money, plain and simple.

And no amount of restribution will ever be enough.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.