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@CoolhandJames I think you might find this amusing. What do you see here?

If you answered nothing, you are correct! It looks like all that simping for Keffals didn't spare Dick from Youtube's wrath!

Every reason given for why cardiovascular disorders are on the rise (except the vaxx) is indeed ridiculous. What is even more ridiculous is that apparently, all of these factors just so happen to be all converging at the same time to cause these cardiovascular issues. Yeah, they were all factors for years and years before, but now they suddenly are causing these problems, right at the same time that the mRNA shots were rolled out.

If you have not figured it out yet, you never will.

Disagreements should not be a cause for concern. In fact, you should probably finding yourself in disagreement with any particular individual at some point in your observations with what he says. It shows that you have the capability to think for yourself and not just follow along with what you hear.

Not that you should look for something to disagree on, but know that you should be having critical thought about any statements by even those you mostly agree with.

That tracey guy really hit a nerve because he’s just inundated with NAFO (ukrainian employees and gullible retards) faggots (i repeat myself) but sometimes there’s a funny one.

“Dude, russia will totally lose, have you seen their GDP? How many graphic designers, CGI retouchers, how many Avon makeup sales girls or Lululemon dealers do they have?!?!? Haha, what can they do with a bunch of mining, smelting, processing, drilling, and manufacturing to beat us?!?!“

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Capitalism is NOT a moral system. It is an economic system.

That means good and bad things can occur during capitalism. Capitalism does not cause or prevent bad things from happening. That's up to the moral character of that population.

You judge an economic system by the quantity and quality of resources it produces. That's it.

Someone needs to hack Joe Biden's teleprompter feed and get him to say that Democrats stole the election and that he is indeed "the big guy" in Hunter's emails. Aparrently he will read anything put in front of him, just like Ron Burgendy.

Was listening to NPR, talking about new FDA guidelines for food. And the topic of "body shaming" came up. We all know what it really is, fat women complaining that they are not being validated as just as healthy as someone who actually eats a proper diet and exercises.

And yes, I single out fat women because fat men rarely ever deny that they are taking poor care of themselves and are unhealthy. Only fat women try and play the denial game, with HAES and all that nonsense.

@Aether @houseoftolstoy
When your target audience is Hollywood…..

That stinker sold so few tickets, it’s clear that not even that many gay men went to see it.

And they spent $22M to make it. It’s generally thought that it takes 2-3x the production budget to make money (think distribution, marketing, etc.). Opening weekend was at best $5M.

Now while opening weekend is your best shot at making money, sometimes you can make it up in other places like foreign box office (think Asia). Except those big markets really don’t like gay content. So much so that the production companies generally cut out such scenes before shipping it overseas. Can’t really do that here.

So, yeah, this is a true bomb. The only good thing to come out of it is that the odds of getting a big budget gay romcom green lighted just plummeted. If this is what you want to push this isn’t the way to do it. You do a low-budget film and show it at festivals, art houses, etc. and see if you can generate buzz from there. Only if that happens do you do a full distribution and if it becomes a hit, you can get a big budget project. They did it backwards

Perhaps I it was not that I could not sense that it was "popular" to like certain things or that the herd was going in that direction. But rather that my autism would not allow me to just say something that I knew was not true.

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I realize now that I indeed was able to be an independent thinker well before there was ever an NPC meme. I would frequently see myself not just going along and saying I liked the latest popular music or other trends. I would not necessarily be outspoken, but if asked I would certainly not be afraid to say I did not like [insert current popular thing]. This was not me just being a contrarian, but rather that my autism kept me from sensing the same social pressures.

@Tfmonkey Also, I had to look up the year over year data, because the article states that it was still "more than last year."

This does not look like it will be breaking any records this year.

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You are such a conspiracy theorist @Tfmonkey because you doubt the reports that we are having a bumper crop this fall. Why would anyone trust a talking monkey online over the word of the experts who know better?

Oh. Oh wait. It looks like we are not having a bumper crop this year. Oh. It is smaller than expected. NO ONE COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING!

I’m already pre-let-down about how unfulfilling the “I told you so” will be when the false faggot order melts away before reality. I already know how it’ll go when the formerly ultrafeminist women in your community hark to you to fix their problems, pointing to a dead body, violence in the streets, or starving niggerbands while imploring you to “fix it!!!!”

I know how it’ll go, they’ll all breeze over decades of behavior and mockery as they sit on your porch comfortable in the concept that you’ll grant them safe harbor and passage while the “temporary” apocalypse is in effect. As soon as things return to normal they’ll go right back to spitting on you for all the very same preparations and skills they condemned before they felt true fear.

I can’t wait to hear the super “strong, empowered woman” down the lane come to my front door and try to shove past me to hide with me because “there’s people outside my home and they keep telling me to give them any food I have, I can’t give it to them though, you’re scary, you can scare them off though!!!!“ I won’t be able to get a word out about this sudden about-face before she “yeah yeah, I know, I was wrong or whatever, here they come! ohhhhhh no!!! don’t shoot them, just shoot in the air so they go away or something…..“ (And if things are truly lost, it’d be followed by “ah no no wait what are you doing NoooooooOO!!!!!!! when you start returning fire)

If Germans start having to ration power and heating, we should all agree these faggots should be the first on the list to have no electricity and heat in their homes. Don't worry, their chuckles and smugness will keep them nice and warm.

Perfect example of how "living paycheck to paycheck" can be the result of idiotic decisions. I am sure that they "needed" to have a new car. In this case 2 of them that were electric. While I am sure they thought that their purchase of a vehicle that requires strip mining for rare earth metals was "good for the environment," I bet they also thought they would save money by not having to buy gas.

I do not have sympathy for those who make such poor decisions.

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