I love these “yes, right wing woman here, with a VERY common experience that I’ve learned of from the experiences of me and one friend in a blue metropolitan shithole we refuse to leave” columns
I guess this could happen for the soyfags in a city, but you won’t convince me that there are large swathes of anyone in this story running around the country
I don't pay too close attention to the day-to-day politics in the UK, but I saw this recently:
There are already bets on whether or not the new PM is going to be out in 2022. She just got in, and 2022 is almost over. That is sure something.
So what's the next move, EU countries. Are you going to freeze, or are you going to admit that price caps are retarded?
When you think about how so many people put so little effort into their own health, it becomes very easy to forget that you are in the 1% for physical fitness just by being willing to consitently put in the work. This applies to many other areas too, such as intellectual pursuits too.
It is easy to forget when many of your peers may be ahead of you in a specific setting, but you are far ahead of those who did not even bother to show up.
Remember that when skanks say “ugh men are __“ these are the guys they’re dating. Don’t take it personally.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.