Tangenting here, but I recall someone posting a woman trying to tell someone (a doctor I think) that she is autistic, and her claim was immediately dismissed. I would most likely agree with the doctor there.
And no, women, you don't have OCD, ADHD, or ADD. Too many of you are saying that. If you are joking, then no problem. Just don't think that the being able to be distracted or having regular habits of tidiness makes you have some sort of disorder.
So if you think that you are autistic because of these factors, you might want to first determine whether you just have social atrophy. And look into other symptoms of autism, as there is a whole lot more, such as hypersensitivity, being obsessive with topics to the point of annoying others, being way too attached to routines. Chances are, your self diagnosis will be incorrect.
And please, talk to people in person more often. Flex those social muscles and see you are no sperg.
As someone who has Asperger's, I know the ins and outs of the struggle with communication. But conversing online does not affect me the same as non-autists, because I was already often missing many of the social cues in regular conversations. So when I am also missing them in text, it makes far less of a difference for me.
Now that I think about it, it is not just "online" communication. Many people rarely use their phones for calls, but rather texting. This has the same effect.
When you are missing most parts of the communication and are doing less in person communication, what you get are a bunch of people who can no longer communicate properly. They sort become like autists, who also struggle with communication. But these people are not autistic, but rather have social atrophy. It is like someone who never goes to the gym and is a beanpole as a result thinking they have muscular dystrophy when in reality, they are just not using their muscles when they could be.
I have a theory about the supposed increase in autists. The internet is to blame. Not simply because people can look up terms and mis-diagnose themselves (though this is part of it), but rather that the internet has the unfortunate side effect of allowing people to be "terminally online."
When you are doing the vast majority of your communication through text alone, you are missing most of the actual communication you would get in a natural social situation (vocal inflections, emotions)
You are worse than useless Rod Dreher. How about advocating for home schooling? As in, a solution that you can actually implement to change the circumstances you disapprove of rather than just ask for someone else to do something (especially when you know full well they won't).
"Just pressure the politicians, man! It will totally be effective and not just amount to nothing getting done! Because we can VOTE them out if they do not listen."
Perhaps he did not say that here, but I am willing to bet that is the logical conclusion to his ending statement. As if elections matter when they are openly stolen. I am willing to bet he also claims that the elections are completely fair and above board too.
Statements like this are why I have no respect for Rod Dreher:
"At some point, the public is going to have to start throwing stuff. Meaning voters are going to have to use the only tool they have -- pressuring elected politicians to change the way they spend the public's own money -- to fight back against the cultural elites who despise them, and who are corrupting our kids with this filth. The backlash is long overdue."
I am aware that the feminist and equality policies only come in after the prosperity is there, but too many people do not realize this. They think that the relationship is the inverse, and that leads to ruin for millions of people.
It is very, very important to understand the difference between "because of" and "in spite of." While I don't think the concept is not too hard to understand, many people fail to understand this when applying it to observations.
Many countries who are have tried to copy the model of Western countries have failed when they do not realize that our countries have been successful IN SPITE of feminism and equality bullshit, not because of it.
Like this could be parody, but it’s happened because I’ve had multiple, astonishing instances of stuff like this from women at the top of the profession. I had a chick with her R-ATP, kinda the first block of airline-ready qualification where you’re REALLY hitting the books and getting to know your systems, and her technical knowledge wasn’t just “I don’t know”, but actively wrong.
I’ve heard all kinds of ridiculous stuff, from “turbocharged (piston) engines are the same thing as turboprops, it’s just a label” to “flaps make you go faster because they add lift”, and every time I was left wondering how in the hell they were able to get so far with such gaps in their knowledge.
So if WE have it, with a battery of exams where you’re put through the wringer to prove your mettle in a continuous cycle of test-prep and last minute cramming, how bad is it in the rest of society?
It is so funny how journalists try to "debunk" things only to demonstrate that the "conspiracy theorists" are indeed probably correct.
"It was not the stabbing wounds that caused him to die, he died because of too much blood loss!"
Get a load of this:
>As soon as news of Wahl's death spread, so did rumors about what killed him. One theory was that the COVID vaccine was responsible. It wasn't, and an autopsy later showed that Wahl died from an aortic aneurysm.
Aneurysms. Isn't that when you have a bulge in your blood vessels. I wonder, could blood clots lead to an aneurysm? And don't the "vaccines" cause blood clot and heart issues?
Not sure if the journalist is a retard or a liar. Either fits.
Cute convo in remantposting about cheap babies.
Something I have always wanted to see tried in the USA is a good ol’ barn birth. It’s silly to give birth laying down when all your musculature is designed to help you squat-deliver. Down south in the bush the locals would just tie a rope to something tall to give mom something to grab on to, then she’d just squat down and have someone catch the baby. Seemed a hell of a lot faster than using all those abdominal accessory muscles instead of the majors.
Would you take a shit lying down?
On another topic, if women in their 20s cannot be trusted to be in a relationship with an older man, why would this suddenly be better if the man was younger? Instead of the current free-for-all fest of women being feral creatures in the dating realm, we should bring back the old fashioned way of having men need to appeal directly to the fathers for permission to court their daughters.
Does this sound patriarchal? That's because it is! And it works far better too!
What is really odd about accusing older men (30-40s) of being pedophiles if they want to pursue women in their 20s is that we already have ripe targets to go after if these (mostly) bitter older women were really against pedophilia. We have people trying to normalize sex with children, and you would think these people would be furious about this. But like so many things, their statements are simply self serving, as they are not raising many objections with the actual child grooming epidemic.
With cases like hers, I suspect it is similar to those who were just having puberty mask their bad health habits, but with the worse case of no longer playing sports to keep the calorie ratio at bay. And when we factor other things like not having parents monitor eating at home, eating out a lot, and plenty of alcohol, it is no wonder some people can get so fat. I do think it is worse for women, as they are far less likely to have the introspection to improve their eating and exercise habits.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.