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With all the mantra of "if it will save just one life," it shows that way too many people are afraid of death. To the point that they think that it must be mitigated at all cost (though with many of the same people abortion is apparently a-okay).

It reminds me of a Shadiveristy video where he mentioned children's songs being rather morbid, showing that the attitude about death has not always been one that is in constant distress. People way back accepted death far better than we do today.

Sometimes you don't dodge the bullet, but rather it misses you.

>Despite ​Japan's attempts in recent years to encourage people to have more children — including promises of financial bonuses and better benefits — birthrates in the country have been in continuous decline for 14 years.

It's almost like coaxing and bribing policies don't bring up birth rates. Let's just try to do it harder! That will surely work! And when the fertility rate goes up by .1, we will cheer and celebrate.

@Tfmonkey Some thoughts I had with your theory on the natural gas price being manipulated. I think there is a connection with that and the government floating a ban on gas stoves. That might just be a tell that they are indeed manipulating the market, and they are looking for ways to prevent more use of gas. Sure, there was no ban yet, but they are hoping to scare people from even buying a gas stove or to get rid of their existing one.

Not saying this is going to help, but it's the government.

It is not exactly shocking that France is on the verge of having riots, as it is part and parcel to modern French culture. Apparently, changing the pension retirement age by 2 years is enough of a reason to have uproar.

If this plan is pushing people over the line, how much worse would things be with actual cuts to entitlements/welfare?

This is the perfect example of why we are going to hit the wall at full speed instead of fixing the problems with government spending.

I think it was an interview with Robert Malone, where he mentioned the vaxx issues could be even worse than we know, given how one demographic that was most likely to take the vaxx could be dying suddenly without raising any alarm bells. That is, the elderly. When a 70 year old gets a heart attack, nobody is surprised. Which means that any of them who are getting heart issues due to the vaxx (or rather accelerating any issues) will go well under the radar.

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I don't think the vast majority of people who took the vaxx are doomed. A significant percentage already has immediate problems, and many more will probably have additional complications. But I do not think it will mean the death of all.

But even if it is just 1 percent that will have significant problems, it is bad enough. But my guess would be that around 10 percent will have problems, which is certainly a significant number.

And on the topic of marriage, I have said before, the primary purpose of sex is to make babies. Yes, sex feels great. That is because your body wants to create a baby. When you short circuit that primary purpose in favor of hedonistic pleasure, you will discover that like all other hedonistic pursuits, you will be left empty if you try to skirt around the primary purpose of sex.

Why do you think sluts are so unhappy? No, being happy in the moment does not count as actually being happy.

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What is the primary purpose of marriage? To start a family. If your idea of marriage is that it is solely for those butterfly feelings or so that you can have the wedding celebration, you are more likely to have the marriage fail.

Yes, you need love to make a marriage work too. But that love is not in the form of shallow attraction that many mistake for love. The kind of love you need is the "this person will stick it out with me even when we can barely get any sleep due to a crying baby".

@Tfmonkey Also, given WinteryKnight himself is not married, it would be absurd for him to tell other men to just go line up to get slaughtered. Not that it never happens, but he is not one of those types.

Sorry for the many posts, but I had more to say that can fit in 500 characters.

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@Tfmonkey Continued quote:

"No amount of shaming and blaming by pro-marriage conservatives is going to remove the risks of divorce, loss of custody, loss of parental rights, alimony, child support and forced transing of kids. Good men can do good in other ways. They don’t have to get married, especially not in a time where society is producing radical feminists as wife candidates, and stacking the schools, courts and hospitals with more misandrists."

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@Tfmonkey Quote: "

Neither Jesus nor Paul was married in the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 7 urges single Christians not to get married so they can focus on Kingdom work. The case for marriage has to be overwhelmingly attractive for a man to pursue marriage. These news stories are discouraging men from marrying."

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@Tfmonkey Not saying you will fully agree with WinteryKnight, but I should defend him when you do not have the full context of his viewpoints:

He is NOT saying that men should just get married no matter what. In fact, he advocates against men from doing the standard tradcuck line of "You have to get married no matter what."

Unfortunately, he does shame Jeff Younger for marrying the wrong woman, but at least he does not advocate for marriage no matter what.

"why exactly didn't you get into the creepy windowless van when the AIDS riddled pedophile offered you candy?"
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