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"Y'know, Democrats would be considered far right in le enlightened Yurop" is probably one of the dumbest things plebbitors say that they genuinely believe.
Trump proved these papers will run defense for literally anything—no matter how wrong or evil it is—purely out of contrarian spite.

No surprises are found with this "we need to raise our birth rates" in South Korea. But what really makes me roll my eyes is when one of the women states "we should have policies like those in many European countries to solve this issue."

Oh, the countries that also have a below replacement rate? Yes, that is the solution. And many of those countries only have slightly higher birth rates due to immigrant populations in many ways. So no, that is not the solution.

It's actually something I marvel at now, because this only works one way: A girl will believe that everyone was drugged up and secretly miserable back in her grandmother's day only because she herself is now drugged up and secretly miserable.

Slanderous zog acolytes in academia make up these obviously false stories about our families, that everyone was secretly a rapist, pederast, sodomite, homosexual, sex addict blasted off their ass on morphine, codeine, amphetamines, benzodiazepenes - and they get away with it because people are so profoundly *broken today that it seems like a realistic assesment of the world.


I vooted too. Yes my individual vote does not matter in the grand scheme of things such as the federal government, but it does matter for more local races and measures. The more local the issue, the more important the vote.

But no one should have voting as their only hope and plan in life. If you are looking for election results to save you, you are already doomed.

daylight savings time is retarded and never should've been adopted
I think it's amazing that the 2004 election map lives on 20 years later despite the shifts in state voting patterns. Colorado, New Mexico, and Virginia haven't voted for the GOP ever since, meanwhile Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have becoming increasingly contested by the GOP. The spectre of Jon Stewart's election coverage on The Daily Show will continue to haunt us for years to come.

I need to remember that Trump winning is not going to truly solve our biggest problems. The United States still has exorbitant debt, too much welfare spending, and an empire they cannot maintain, as well as many other issues. At best we just have more time to prepare for the bad times.

They figured it out already.

The Democrats lost because they didn't call bad orange man and his garbage supporters "Nazis" enough times.
can't wait to see how totally ineffective the republicans are with control of the presidency and both houses


Looks like we are getting war with Iran. Or maybe someone who has their sanity left will pull the plug on that operation.

Chance of leftist butthurt: very, very high.

>Democrats need to win them with respect – but to do that, they need to actually respect them.

Kind of hard to do that when so many on the left have open contempt for the people on the right and consider them evil for having a different political outlook than themselves.

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